Lose weight simply, for life.

By taking control of your eating habits and mindset.

Lose weight simply, for life.

By taking control of your eating habits and mindset.

career woman eating sugar, relationship with sugar, sugar cravings, how to break a sugar habit

10 Powerful Tips to Transform Your Relationship With Sugar

Did you know that your perspective on sugar can significantly impact your ability to control or reduce its consumption?

It’s common for people to focus solely on the actions needed to break a sugar habit or adopt healthier eating habits.

However, what often goes unnoticed is the influence of your thoughts on your emotions, your emotions on your actions and, consequently, your results.

That’s precisely why I want to give you a sugar mindset makeover with these 10 Powerful tips to transform your relationship with sugar. They’re a blend of thought-based tips and action-based tips, so you leave with an array of tools to use.

If you would like to listen to the more in-depth podcast version of this, check it out below.

The Power of Addressing your Thoughts/Mindset

Actions help you get results, but as I mentioned earlier, your thoughts and emotions (feelings) are behind the actions. So, to ensure that you’re doing the actions as best as possible, addressing your thoughts is key.

Shifting or completely changing your thoughts or mindset about something can be easy or it can take a little practice. But if it’s not done at all, then the actions will be more difficult or you may even be doing the WRONG actions. Ones that may be sabotaging you.

If your thoughts are creating a feeling that assists you doing the actions or behaviors you WANT to be doing, you’ll more likely get the results you want.

I created a free course with an accompanying workbook to help you with exactly this. Addressing the thoughts and feelings behind common eating behaviors that career women have (my specialty). Grab the course + workbook here.

Unveiling Your New Relationship with Sugar

Now, let’s dive into the 10 powerful tips to transform your relationship with sugar. I’ve linked some related podcast episodes to a few of these that will further help you.

Tip #1: Set Clear, Doable Goals

Dream big but break down your goals into smaller, achievable steps. That way, it’s easier to do if your brain sees small steps rather than one massive one.

Small goals within a larger goal increase the feeling of possibility. Think walking or running up a small hill, getting confidence, catching your breath, and doing it again. Rather than looking at the massive mountain with a feeling of dread and doubt.

Tip #2: Visualize Your Future Self

Visualization serves as powerful motivation, making your goal feel attainable.

Envision yourself successfully reaching your big goal of decreasing sugar, creating healthier eating habits for yourself, losing weight, etc. Also, visualize yourself overcoming challenges.

Tip #3: Understand the Benefits

If you’re not sure of a lot of the benefits of reducing added or refined sugar, then just Google it. It’s important to understand them, because that helps provide really good fuel for your actions (or inactions) going forward.

Then, for a more powerful boost of motivation, visualize your future self experiencing these benefits.

Tip #4: Realize Your Power

You have control over your actions; sugar does not control you. The sugar molecules do not literally control your body. You are ALWAYS the one in control. And to assist with that control, remember that you have your thoughts, your mind.

You may feel like a sugar craving is uncomfortable and therefore controls you, but if you tell yourself it’s just uncomfortable and you can totally handle discomfort, you’re one step closer to feeling like you have the upper hand.

Tip #5: Identify Negative Thinking

Become aware of negative thoughts influencing your actions. Remember, those thoughts make you feel a specific emotion and negative thoughts tend to make you feel a negative emotion.

Negative emotions can definitely negatively impact your actions, your eating behaviors. So just start with identifying and questioning negative thoughts. When you do that, it makes that negative thought weaker. Then it’s less likely to negatively impact your actions.

Tip #6: Increase Awareness of Sugar Consumption

Monitor how much sugar you consume and why. How you do this is up to you. You can use a good old-fashioned pen and notepad. Or, you can use a digital app.

From there, recognize the connection between emotions and sugar intake. Which emotion or emotions led to you eating sugar? (Hint: Desire, craving, and urge are all emotions too.)

Tip #7: Normalize and Have Self-Compassion

Understand that occasional sugar consumption is normal. And, as a Physician Assistant (we’re now called Physician Associates) of 15 years, I can tell you that occasional sugar consumption is not harmful (unless you’re diabetic and your healthcare provider told you absolutely no sugar).

Also, have some self-compassion.

For long-term progress, it’s very important to not feel guilty about eating a little dessert or drinking a sugary coffee drink. Cultivating self-compassion will help you move forward and not feel terrible and eat more sugar in response to feeling terrible.

Tip #8: Celebrate Wins and Analyze Progress

Treat yourself for successes, even small ones. You don’t have to be perfect either. I have my clients pick rewards for effort, to encourage continued progress.

Also, analyze your progress with eating less sugar without judgment, adopting a scientist’s mindset. Judging yourself doesn’t help, because remember, your thoughts create your feelings.

Let’s get you walking around in the healthy body you absolutely love.

To start, book your free consultation.

  • We’ll find the underlying reasons why you’re struggling.
  • I’ll provide you with a personal plan of action.
  • You’ll then be able to lose weight simply, for life.

Tip #9: Be Your Inner Coach

You’d be surprised at how many people need help with this. I help my clients with this, because it’s something almost everyone I’ve met needs help with, and helps drastically with eating habits and weight loss (well, everything in life, actually).

So, encourage positive self-talk to help yourself feel good (create a positive emotion), which will then help you with your actions.

Tip #10: Reflect on Your Journey

Celebrate how far you’ve come since beginning your journey to eating less sugar. Even if you’re not quite where you want to be yet.

Use your progress as motivation during challenging times. Reminding yourself of how far you’ve come is so powerful when you encounter those tough times.

Final Notes:

Remember, transforming your mindset is a journey. If you find yourself struggling or facing deep-seated beliefs, don’t hesitate to book a free 60-minute consult with me.

As your Eating Habit and Weight Loss Coach, I’m here to guide you through both strategy and mindset, helping you create lasting habits for a healthier life. Book your free consult today, to get started.

Kate Johnston, Certified Habit Coach, Physician Assistant


Weight Loss Coach, PA-C

Helping busy career women lose weight simply, by changing their eating habits (and mindset) for life.

Want to see how I can help you specifically? Just with the free consultation, you’ll get insight, clarity, and direction that’ll move you forward.