Lose weight simply, for life.

By taking control of your eating habits and mindset.

Lose weight simply, for life.

By taking control of your eating habits and mindset.

time-savvy tips for healthy weight loss, time-saving tips for healthy weight loss

9 Time-Savvy Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Juggling a demanding career, endless meetings, and a hectic personal life can make it feel nearly impossible to prioritize your eating habits and weight loss habits.

But there are several ways you can make it easier for yourself when it comes to healthy weight loss, even with a shortage of time. So, I’m sharing 9 time-savvy tips for healthy weight loss. You can pick a few that would work well for you and your busy schedule, and then add in more if desired.

Simple Planning

First things first, let’s talk about the power of planning. Just as you schedule meetings and deadlines, take a look at your work week, plus your personal schedule.

Sit down in your favorite cozy spot on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday and write out some simple plans for food for the week. Figure out when you need to cook something, when you might have to rely on a frozen dinner, leftovers, or a sandwich or salad.

Use these few minutes to also create a shopping list and plan which day you’ll go grocery shopping.

You can even get more specific and plan every meal and snack ahead of time. When you do this, you’re actually more likely to follow through on what you intend to eat, rather than overeat or eat impulsively.

Master the Art of Batch Cooking

Some people like meal-prepping on Sunday, some don’t. I personally don’t, however, when I cook, I often double the recipe, so that I have leftovers for the week for my husband Paul and I, plus my step-son, Ryan. If I don’t think we need the leftovers, I’ll just freeze them for the following week.

Take advantage of the nights you have the time to cook to make that extra meal. It only takes a little longer to double or even triple a recipe and will save you a TON of time later in the week or during one of the upcoming weeks.

That way, you’ll be a lot less likely to find yourself order unhealthy takeout (some takeout can be healthy, but usually that impulse takeout isn’t…think pizza, Chinese food, etc.). You’ll also save money if you’re less likely to order food out.

Smarter Snacking Habits

Let’s be real – the break room at work can be a dangerous place. Usually there aren’t food items like fruit, veggies and hummus, or nuts. It’s typically cookies someone brought in because they don’t want them in their house, donuts, or candy.

Instead of reaching for the usual suspects, pack a variety of nutritious snacks that you can have in your desk drawer or stick in a refrigerator at work. Think nuts, fresh fruit, yogurt, or veggies with hummus or cream cheese. Having these on hand will help you resist the siren call of the office candy bowl.

When I would get hungry mid-morning or mid-afternoon when I was seeing patients in the office as a Physician Assistant, I knew I had a healthy snack in my lunch box or in the mini fridge in my office, so I never had to go to the break room to seek out something to snack on.

Hydrate for an Energy Boost

Staying hydrated is not only essential for your overall health, but gives you an energy boost AND aids with weight loss. Because it provides an energy boost, that’s why it’s one of the 9 time-savvy tips for healthy weight loss.

So, make it a point to keep a water bottle at your desk and sip throughout the day. To make it more likely to remember, keep it in your line of sight and in a colorful bottle or cup.

If you struggle to drink enough water because the taste isn’t appealing, try infusing it with fruits or one of my favorites, mint leaves, for a refreshing twist. Also, sometimes when you feel hungry, it’s actually just that you’re dehydrated, so try water first before eating.

Mindful, Not Mindless Eating

In the midst of a busy day, it’s easy to wolf down your lunch while responding to emails. I’ve been guilty of this, especially in my former career.

However, practicing mindful eating can help you savor your food and recognize when you’re no longer hungry, which is key for healthy weight loss. Take a few minutes to enjoy your meals away from your desk, and you’ll likely find yourself making healthier choices.

You’ll also feel more satisfied, making it less likely to seek out office indulgences, or desserts and snacks when you get home, and later at night.

Get the Blood Flowing

Finding time for the gym can be feel like a challenge, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get the blood flowing and reap the benefits from that. Incorporate short bursts of exercise into your day, like taking the stairs or doing a quick workout during a break.

I encourage my clients to take the long way to the bathroom, just to get some benefits of getting the blood flowing after you’ve been sitting at a desk.

I used to take short walks outside after I ate my lunch, so I could feel refreshed for the afternoon. What a difference it made physically and mentally. Every little bit adds up, so take every opportunity you can to move a bit.

That way, if you don’t have an hour and a half to hit the gym or do your normal exercise, you know you’ve at least gotten something in to help with healthy weight loss.

Tech-Savvy Time Management

I can’t have a blog post on 9 time-savvy tips for healthy weight loss without mentioning how to make it easier to manage your time.

So, this tip is to take advantage of technology to streamline your schedule and help yourself out, especially since you have so much going on in your day.

Use apps to set reminders for meals, water intake, and even short breaks to stretch or move around. These little nudges can make a big difference in maintaining healthy habits throughout the day.

To have to remember to do these on your own at first when you’re not used to doing so, can take some energy. So, make it easier for yourself and use tech to your advantage.

Protect Your Time

As a career woman, you’re used to wearing many hats. However, it’s essential to recognize when it’s time to delegate tasks. Whether it’s at work or home, sharing responsibilities will free up valuable time for you to focus on your well-being.

It can even increase connection with a significant other, child, or roommate.

Also, scheduling time for yourself is non-negotiable. Whether it’s a quick workout, a leisurely walk, or some meditation, making time for self-care is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Remember, a healthy and happy you is a more productive you.

Plus, better emotional health will assist with weight loss. When you’re feeling better, you’re more likely to do the actions that are in alignment with healthy weight loss.

Snag a Little Extra Sleep

A well-rested mind and body are better equipped to handle the demands of a busy schedule. If you’re in the habit of feeling tired and suspect you may not get enough sleep, try snagging a little extra sleep each week.

You can easily increase your sleep amount by going to bed 15 minutes earlier each day. Then, the following week, snag a little more extra sleep, by going to bed 15 minutes earlier than that.

Keep adding on in small increments to get your body adjusted, otherwise it can be tough to fall asleep an hour earlier than what you’re used to.

Final Notes:

As a busy career woman, you might feel like you have so many challenges working against you when it comes to eating habits.

However, with awareness, mindfulness, and some practical strategies, you can make healthier choices and build a positive relationship with food in the midst of your busy lives.

Print this post out for reference, so you don’t have to memorize it all. Highlight the ones you feel are applicable to you and start with some of the tips you think will be the easiest for you to implement.

Since you’ve made it this far, continue getting help with eating habits and weight loss by signing up for weekly tips below. They’ve helped others lose weight and keep it off.

Kate Johnston, Certified Habit Coach, Physician Assistant


Weight Loss Coach, PA-C

Helping busy career women lose weight simply, by changing their eating habits (and mindset) for life.

Want to see how I can help you specifically? Just with the free consultation, you’ll get insight, clarity, and direction that’ll move you forward.