Eating habits you love.

Weight loss you can do.

1:1 Coaching Program Tailored to You

Eating habits you love.

Weight loss you can do.

1:1 Coaching for Career Women

You want to stop overeating or eating the “unhealthy” foods.

But can’t, because there’s always that urge, something triggering you.


  • After a tough day at work
  • At night when relaxing
  • When it just tastes so good

You want to stop overeating or eating the “unhealthy” foods.

But can’t, because there’s always that urge, something triggering you.


  • After a tough day at work
  • At night when relaxing
  • When it just tastes so good

This is all just causing you pain.

Shame, disappointment in yourself, weight gain…

I get it. I’ve been there too.

But you no longer have to feel this way.

This is all just causing you pain.

Shame, disappointment in yourself, weight gain…

I get it. I’ve been there too.

But you no longer have to feel this way.

Because you’re a smart, successful career woman who should feel in-control and healthy.

And not waste anymore time suffering from this.

So, let’s free you of those bad eating habits. Forever.

I will personally walk you through to the other side with my 1:1 coaching program.

You’ll have the eating habits and healthy body your colleagues and friends will envy.

Book your free consultation below to start your transformation right away.

So, let’s free you of those bad eating habits. Forever.

I will personally walk you through to the other side with my 1:1 coaching program.

You’ll have the eating habits and healthy body your colleagues and friends will envy.

Book your free consultation below to start your transformation right away.

“I make better choices of what to eat and how much, on a much more consistent basis. I eat because I’m hungry, and not because of any emotion. This is the first time I know that I will not just gain it all back like I’ve done several other times in my life, because Kate gave me the equipment I need to keep it going.”

Pamela Howell

I’m 100% certain you can have that too.

It doesn’t matter what you’ve tried before, because you haven’t tried THIS.

It doesn’t matter how much discipline you think you’re lacking, because we build that TOGETHER.

My proven process is simple, and results in changes for life.

Together, we uncover and change:

WHY you’re eating

You’ll learn to eat due to hunger, not emotions or other triggers. You’ll manage emotions and triggers like a pro.

healthy woman eating healthy food

HOW MUCH you’re eating

Feel satisfied without overeating, regardless of the food in front of you. You’ll be able to stop at “enough.”

woman controlling how much she is eating

WHAT you’re eating

You’ll be the person who can eat healthy AND still indulge. It’s about what works for you.

Results you’ll have after we work together:

Think of it like a tree. These are the main branches, but then other results branch off of those.


Eating healthy amounts, naturally.

Because you’re eating when you’re hungry and not due to emotions, other people, etc. You’ll feel satisfied with less.


Eating more nutritious foods

But only foods you want to add in. You get to decide if you want desserts, but learn skills to be in-control.


Weight loss that actually lasts

This naturally occurs due to changed eating habits. Plus, other ways I can help you lose weight permanently.


Controlled cravings/urges

They’ll decrease overall, and you’ll be able to manage them when they do occur.


No more emotional eating

You won’t use food to feel better. You’ll manage emotions in other ways that I’ll teach you.


Better thoughts & feelings

A better mindset about yourself, food, and life, that will create more positive feelings.

Take a moment to imagine yourself with those results…

The best part? You’ll feel healthy, in-control, and so proud of yourself.

Plus, a newfound confidence and trust with yourself that you’ll keep your results this time.

What to do Next:

woman scheduling free consultation on her phone

Book your free consultation below to get your personal plan.

woman coaching

If you like the plan, we execute together, and break your bad eating habits.

woman happy she lost weight and broke her bad eating habits

Feel in-control and have the healthy body you absolutely love.

What to do Next:

woman scheduling free consultation on her phone

Book your free consultation below.

woman coaching

I listen, ask questions and provide a custom plan

woman happy she lost weight and broke her bad eating habits

If you like the plan, we execute together, and break your bad eating habits

Hi I’m Kate, your Eating Habit and Weight Loss Coach.

Like you, I struggled with bad eating habits. ALOT of them.

But even with a stressful job as a surgical Physician Assistant working 50-80 hours a week, I changed my eating habits, lost weight and kept it off.

And my emotional health drastically improved, which is HUGE.

I care about your physical and emotional health, so I want that all for you too.

Kate Johnston, Eating Habit and Weight Loss Coach

It’s normal to think it’ll be too hard, but with my help, it’ll feel way easier.

My client, Nancy Butler (who might just be the busiest woman I’ve met), thought it felt easier…

“Anything worth doing takes effort. However, this took a lot less effort than I thought it would.”

Nancy Butler

What you’re currently doing isn’t working…

So if you keep on the same path, your bad eating habits will get STRONGER. You’ll start losing hope too.

I don’t want that to happen to you.

Your life is a gift and you deserve to enjoy it to its fullest.

What you’re currently doing isn’t working…

So if you keep on the same path, your bad eating habits will get STRONGER. You’ll start losing hope too.

I don’t want that to happen to you.

Your life is a gift and you deserve to enjoy it to its fullest.

“I told her in our last meeting that she’d changed my life, but that doesn’t begin to cover it. I’m so grateful for the time I worked with Kate. It was worth every penny, and every minute!”

Pamela Howell

Don’t let your fears stop you from the life you could have.

You may not know what that looks like yet…

But you’ll never find out if you allow fear or doubt get in your way.

So take a moment to imagine the IMPACT of finally being free from bad eating habits…

(Remember those tree branches I mentioned?)

Your health

Less medical issues in the future, plus more energy.

And your emotional health will improve just within 30 days.

Your career

More confident, focused and energized, potentially increasing income.

Better equipped to handle negative emotions or situations that come up.

Your relationships

Feel better in your body, more confident, and more connected to loved ones.

No more shying away from social situations either.

You get to be the one who decides what your future looks like.

You can have it all. You SO deserve it.

It really is possible for you. Book your free consult below to start now.

You get to be the one who decides what your future looks like.

You can have it all. You SO deserve it.

It really is possible for you. Book your free consult below to start now.

Kate Johnston Coaching