Creating More of the Same Result? This is Why…

How many times have you thought you’re just someone who has bad eating habits?

Or that you’re just someone who can’t lose the weight?

(Speaking of weight loss and thoughts, get 7 Powerful Mindset Shifts for Weight Loss… LISTEN HERE.)

Always after yet another failed attempt.

Disheartening, right?

When you continue thinking these same thoughts, it keeps you STUCK as the person who has bad eating habits.

Or as the person who doesn’t ever lose the weight.

So to create new results in your life, you HAVE to tell yourself a new story.

Because the old one just isn’t working.

Let me give you a personal example regarding a personality trait.

I was a shy kid – like reeeally awkwardly shy. (Nerdy glasses, braces, headgear too…fun.)

I kept telling myself that I was shy and always would be and unfortunately, that’s just who I was.

I hated it though.

I always thought, “Why can’t I just be normal?”

I don’t know what prompted it, but I decided before I went to college, that I was no longer going to be shy.

I was just going to start over.

I wrote a new story for myself.

It didn’t happen immediately, but I started feeling less shy.

And less shy.

And less shy.

Now, I’m NO LONGER shy.

(In fact, you might say that someone who does podcasts, workshops, and YouTube videos is definitely NOT shy.)

My point is, you can change your story, regardless of how long you’ve been believing it.

Just because you believe your own thoughts, doesn’t mean they’re true.

And once you start changing the way you’re thinking, you feel differently, DO differently, and create different results.

That’s exactly what I help with.

I can help you become the person who no longer has bad eating habits.

The person who loses weight and keeps it off.

The person who believes herself every time she says she’ll eat a little healthier, not eat in response to emotion, get to bed earlier…

The person who lets go of her old story and creates a new, incredible one.

Start changing your story now and discover the solutions to your unique challenges with eating habits and/or weight during a free consultation with me.

Book your free consult — your new story is waiting to be created.

Sending love and wellness,

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