Eating and Weight Loss is Like Painting

If you were learning how to paint, what would you prefer to learn?

Skills or rules?

You might be thinking, “Of course skills….what do you even mean by, rules? There aren’t painting rules.”

Well, that’s a better way to look at eating and weight loss too.

You learn skills to change your eating habits.

You learn skills to lose weight.

There shouldn’t be eating rules or weight loss rules.

Since when is it enjoyable to follow a ton of rules set by someone else, anyway?

Since never.

And since when do you want to have to follow rules for the rest of your life just to keep the results you already created?

Since never.

Skills are what make you better. Skills are what makes your results last. Skills enhance and empower you.

Rules make you feel restricted. Rules don’t mean lasting results. Rules take your power away.

So my friend, LISTEN to or WATCH the latest episode on Flexible Weight Loss: Skills Not Rules.

I’m sharing several skills that will make you successful with weight loss (Applicable to changing your eating habits too.)

Sending love and wellness,

P.S. Make changing your eating habits and losing weight easier, by receiving the newest “Bites of Wisdom” by email each week. Enter your first name and email below to receive.