How to Feel Better About Your Body

how to feel better about your body even if you're overweight

How to Feel Better About Your Body

It’s so easy to think that you’ll feel better about your body AFTER you lose the weight. And that might be true, but what if you could feel better about your body BEFORE you lose the weight? That would feel so much better, right?

Also, you’ll be happy to hear that when you feel better about your body before you lose the weight, you’ll have more success with losing weight.

That’s because positive feelings are better fuel for the actions you want to be taking. Negative feelings (like disgust, hate or shame) are only good fuel for inaction, or actions you DON’T want to be taking.

So in this blog post, I’m sharing with you how to feel better about your body, before you even have the weight loss results. That way, you’ll feel better sooner and have more success with attaining those weight loss results.

Choose How You’d Like to Feel About Your Body

The first thing you’ll want to do is choose an emotion you’d like to feel toward your body. Meaning, how you want to feel about it. (Not what you want to think about it….we’ll get there in a bit.)

For example, do you want to feel some body love? Or would you just be satisfied with feeling appreciation? Maybe appreciation for what your body does for you on a daily basis, such as enables you to interact with people and the world around you.

Maybe you want to feel pride toward your body? This is a good one for mothers. Think about how your body carried, delivered and nurtured a baby.

Or, you might want to feel gratitude toward your body. You can choose anything you’d like, but choose one feeling/emotion that you’d like to feel about your body.

Tip: If you’re having trouble with this, think about how you want to feel when you think about your body. That’s just another way to re-word it that might make it easier for you.

Choose a Thought

Did you know that you can create any feeling/emotion you’d like by choosing a thought that generates that feeling within you?

It’s true. Our feelings/emotions are generated by the thoughts we think. For example, if you think about something sad, you’ll start to feel sad, right? If you think about the thing that person said that irritated you yesterday, you’ll start to feel irritated again.

So let’s create that feeling you chose, by choosing a thought to create it. What’s a thought that will help produce that feeling you’d like to feel regarding your body?

Choose a thought that’s more on the positive side. Remember, you’re trying to feel better about your body, so the thought can’t be negative.

Let’s say you chose gratitude as your feeling. What would you need to think, so that you actually feel some gratitude?

It might be something like, “I’m so grateful my body enables me to walk, breathe, and experience nature.” Or maybe something simple like, “I have a body.” (Better to have a body than not have a body, right?)

So, choose your thought. You can make a list and pick your favorite if you’d like.

TIP: Pick the thought that generates the feeling you chose, in the strongest way.

Make it a Habit

Now that you’ve picked your thought, it’s time to make it a habit to think the thought, so you really start feeling that feeling about your body. That way you can really feel better about your body.

Write down the thought you chose and put it in a place you’ll see it often. That way it serves as a visual reminder to read the thought or think the thought.

The more frequently you do this, the more likely it is to become a habit, especially if you do it at the same time or location.

When you read or think the thought, make sure you give it a moment to generate the feeling in your body, otherwise that defeats the whole purpose.

Remember, you really do want to feel better about your body, so that includes the thought and the feeling.

Take Action From the Feeling

As I mentioned at the beginning of this blog post, when you feel better about your body, you’ll have more likelihood of weight loss success. I’ll explain.

Your actions and inactions occur because of how you feel. For example, if you feel tired, you’re probably not going to go run 5 miles, but rather go to bed early or relax on the couch and watch TV or read.

If you feel excited, you’re likely going to do something in response to the excitement. If you feel annoyed, you might frown, snap at someone, etc.

Your actions and inactions are always prompted by the emotion you’re feeling.

So, if you feel better about your body, you’re going to take action from that better feeling. The actions you take from that better feeling are going to be more likely to produce the weight loss results you want.

Whereas, if you feel negatively about your body, it’s way easier to stay stuck in a lot of inaction (which won’t lead to weight loss results you want).

Final Notes (& More Help)

Just to wrap it up, if you want to feel better about your body, you have to think better about your body. That can be something as simple as “My body allows me to do things I enjoy.”

Also when you feel better, you DO better. Your actions are more aligned with getting the results you want. You make better decisions. You feel more energized and motivated to make the changes.

If this resonated with you and you want help losing weight, changing your eating habits and just feeling more confident and in control, I can help you.

I help you with more than just the actions. I also help you think and feel differently too, so that the changes are life-long. You shift your way of thinking and doing. You create your results and KEEP THEM.

I invite you to access my calendar HERE to schedule a free consult. You and I will talk about where you’re at now, your goals and how to best get you there.

change your eating habits for life
Kate Johnston, Certified Habit Coach, Physician Assistant


Weight Loss Coach, PA-C

Helping busy career women lose weight simply, by changing their eating habits (and mindset) for life.

Want to see how I can help you specifically? Just with the free consultation, you’ll get insight, clarity, and direction that’ll move you forward.