The Body Love/Weight Loss Connection

I used to believe my body could only be loved at a specific weight, that high school number 🙄

However, weight gain in my 20s taught me a profound truth.

I HAD to start loving my body, because the opposite wasn’t working.

Loving my body became a catalyst for weight loss in two key ways.

First, by appreciating it for what it did for me, I felt compelled to care for it better.

This led to improvements in nutrition, sleep, and stress management, resulting in both weight loss and an enhanced sense of well-being.

As a byproduct of that, I started loving my body even more.

The second way is a bit intricate for email, but I spill all the details in the latest podcast episode, “Body Love/Weight Loss Cycle.”

Plus, I share easy steps to kickstart the body love/weight loss cycle, ensuring sustained momentum and lasting results.

You can listen here.

Sending love and wellness,

READ MORE “Bites” of Wisdom

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