When You Look Forward to Food After a Tough Day

When I was in a stressful job years ago, I started looking forward to the food I’d treat myself to for getting through the day.

I thought it was helping me feel better, so I was using it as both a reward and an escape.

And because I was doing this, I was enjoying my actual life less.

I was also just pushing my emotions away, not understanding why I was feeling them, and not getting myself to a better place.

I finally reached a place where I felt completely UNLIKE myself. And very unhappy.

The people around me had no idea, because I just kept chugging along.

But I wasn’t who I wanted to be. I wasn’t leading the life I really wanted to lead.

So, I started with small changes. Things I knew I could do, even with a busy schedule and days where I felt lower energy.

And I gained momentum, and started noticing the changes not just in weight and energy levels, but also in my mindset.

The power of those small changes plus getting awareness of the thoughts causing all the negative emotions was life-changing.

Now, I don’t use food as anything other than nourishment and enjoyment of the flavors.

I feel lots of positive emotions and I use the tools I now have for when a negative emotion comes up.

I make decisions from the highest-level part of my brain, rather than solely for instant gratification.

And I love my body and my brain. So much.

Which is why I’m dedicated to helping you too.

Because you deserve something even better than the sugar after a tough day.

You deserve to understand why you’re trying to escape the negative emotions with food or wine.

You deserve to reward yourself with the things that TRULY make you feel good.

And most importantly, you deserve to feel like yourself, happy in your own skin, and leading a life you’re in love with.

Sending love and wellness,

READ MORE “Bites” of Wisdom

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