Fueling Your Goals: Positive Thoughts, Actions, and Your Worth

When you think about changing your eating habits or losing weight (whatever your specific goals are), how do you feel?

As in what emotion or emotions come up for you?

Do you feel good, excited, eager, something else?

When you feel a positive emotion (one that feels good), this helps to bring you closer to the results you want.

That’s because positive emotions help fuel positive actions toward that result.

And if you want to add more fuel, you just need to amplify that positive emotion.

What is it you need to think to continue feeling a positive emotion about your goals?

What things can you do to start bringing you closer to that goal?

How committed are you to getting the results you want?

Are you willing to take action until you get those results?

If so, start taking action. Or take different actions than you’ve been taking.

Then keep taking action.

And just as importantly, keep thinking positively.

Keep feeling the energy.

And continue taking action.

Despite the little bit of doubt.

Despite the little bit of fear.

Despite the normal human discomforts that of course are going to come up.

Because your eating habit and weight loss goals are worth it.

Your health and happiness are worth it.

Your life is worth it.

You are worth it.

Don’t stop until you get what you want.

Sending love and wellness,

READ MORE “Bites” of Wisdom

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