Welcome, I’m Kate.

I help career women break bad eating habits and lose weight sustainably.

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Welcome, I’m Kate.

I help career women break bad eating habits and lose weight sustainably.

Ready for freedom? Book your free consult now.

7 motivating weight loss thoughts

7 Motivating Weight Loss Thoughts

With weight loss, it’s not just the foods you eat or don’t eat. It’s not just the amounts either.

It’s also the thoughts you’re having about food, your body, weight loss, and yourself. Thoughts that can either sabotage your efforts or help skyrocket your efforts.

There are intentional thoughts you can have that provide excellent motivation, despite any challenges or plateaus. That way you can set yourself up for success in reaching your weight loss goal.

So, I’m sharing 7 motivating weight loss thoughts for you to borrow or get ideas from. You can choose your favorites, write them down, and leave them in a spot you’ll see frequently.

That way, you’ll have an extra boost in motivation whenever you need it, on your weight loss journey.

“I deserve this.”

You can easily get stuck in the mindset of, “I need to lose weight” and completely forget that you deserve to lose weight.

More specifically, you deserve the benefits of losing weight. You deserve the positive impact of weight loss on all areas of your life. Think of the rewards.

So, put this simple thought somewhere you will see it often. Because it’s so simple, it’s an easy one to remember. So it will be a good one to get in the habit of thinking or saying aloud.

“This will be fun.”

Okay…I know your brain may be resisting this thought a little right now, but here’s why this is one of the 7 motivating weight loss thoughts.

Weight loss can feel like a chore, especially after the first few weeks when the novelty of it has worn off.

So, get yourself a little pumped up and think of why weight loss is, and will be fun. Because you can make it as fun as you want. Or you can make it a real drag. (I recommend you choose fun.)

For example, it’s fun when your clothes are feeling looser. It’s fun when you notice you’re walking into a room more confidently. It’s fun introducing some new, healthier foods into the mix. It’s fun celebrating the little wins.

See, it can be fun.

“I’ve done harder things.”

You have. I promise you. If you’ve had a baby, that’s at least one harder thing. If you’ve gotten a college degree, that’s a harder thing. If you’ve gotten past a trauma, that’s a harder thing too.

So think about all the harder things you’ve done. Once you think of one or two, you’ll start recalling more. Then you can prove to your brain, “I’ve done harder things.”

Putting weight loss into perspective with what you’ve already accomplished, makes it feel easier and totally do-able. The human brain is motivated by easier.

“I don’t have to lose weight, I want to.”

Even if your healthcare provider told you that you have to lose weight, when it feels like you HAVE to do something, it can seem less enjoyable. So if you think about why you’d WANT to lose weight, that can be a better motivator.

Even if you wanted to lose weight to avoid the diseases that your healthcare provider mentioned you may be heading toward, that shift to “I want to” is helpful.

When you desire something, you’re more likely to work for it. Less likely to give up. So avoiding preventable disease can absolutely be a big motivator, but think about why you want to avoid the preventable disease.

That’s why you want to lose weight. Instead of doing something because you were told you need to.

“I’m taking care of my body.”

This thought is super powerful (in my opinion), which makes it one of my favorites of the 7 motivating weight loss thoughts.

Just like you’re motivated to take care of your pet, your child, your home; taking care of your body is no different. In fact, it’s necessary to take care of your body if you want to continue taking care of the people and things you love.

When you’re losing weight the healthy way, by addressing your eating habits and establishing better hydration, sleep, and exercise habits, you’re taking good care of your body.

When you see it this way, it’s not just a number on the scale thing anymore. You’re working toward an all-around healthier body, which enables you to take better care of people and things you love.

“Consider this a done deal.”

This is another of my favorites of the 7 motivating weight loss thoughts. Having a thought like this exudes confidence. It’s pretty much saying that failure is out of the picture.

Because really, you only fail when you give up. So, if you’re truly thinking a thought like this one, you’re committed to getting what you want. And NOT giving up.

When you think this thought, or one similar, make sure you’re backing it up with a feeling of confidence, otherwise it won’t be as powerful. Get yourself into that confidence energy, then think or say aloud the thought.

“Weight loss can be easy.”

Okay, so even if you don’t believe it WILL be easy, it still CAN be easy, right? If you open your mind to the possibility that it can be easy, that’s going to help it actually feel easy.

When you go into weight loss believing it will be hard, it will more likely be hard.

That’s because you’ll feel an emotion that doesn’t feel great, from a thought like this. That emotion will make it more difficult to take the actions you need to take to lose weight.

So, do you want to make it easier for yourself by having a thought that it can be easy? Or do you want to make it harder for yourself?

Final Note and Next Step

I recommend jotting these thoughts down and then choosing your favorites. You can change them around to suit you better, or you can even come up with a few of your own.

To start making it a habit of thinking or saying your favorite one to help you lose weight, put the thought in a place you’ll see it every day.

I can help you break bad eating habits, and form the habits that will help you lose weight and keep it off for life.

Let’s talk via a FREE 60-minute consult. Book the free consult by clicking the button below.

Let’s transform your eating habits, so you can lose weight sustainably.

To start your transformation, book your free consultation below.

Kate Johnston, Certified Habit Coach, Physician Assistant


Eating Habits & Weight Loss Coach, PA-C

Helping career women, including women in healthcare lose weight sustainably, by breaking bad eating habits.

Start your transformation with clarity, insight, and direction by booking a free consultation with me below.