I help career women break bad eating habits and lose weight sustainably.

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I help career women break bad eating habits and lose weight sustainably.

Ready to feel more healthy, confident and free?

Imagine yourself in just a few months with all that. Start now with a free consultation.

The 3 Keys to Transformative Weight Loss

Crush your bad eating habits with simple, yet powerfully effective, solutions made for career women. Get the free course + workbook to start now.

Discover how to make weight loss a transformative and enjoyable experience by crafting identity goals, uncovering your deepest reasons why, and creating identity habits that last.

Join me for a holistic approach to weight loss that goes beyond the scale and empowers you to become the best version of yourself.

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the 3 keys to transformative weight loss, identity habits, identity goals, future self

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Full Episode Transcript:

The 3 Keys to Transformative Weight Loss

Hi there, welcome to the Eating Habits for Life podcast. Today, I want to talk about the three keys to transformative weight loss because, well, we’re coming up on the new year, and I know weight loss goals are so fun to set.

I just want to mention that weight loss goals should be fun to set and achieve, rather than feeling like something that you have to do.

Even if your doctor, PA, or Nurse Practitioner told you that you need to lose weight for your health, how can you think of that in a way that will make it more enjoyable and feel like a gift to yourself?

Because when weight loss feels like something that has to be done, it feels like a chore, and as soon as it has its challenges, it’ll be much easier to give up.

However, if you think about how your life will improve in all different ways, then you’ll see weight loss as a gift to yourself. Because you deserve improvement in whichever areas of life you want.

So that can be just with physical health, but you’ll find that it’s also with emotional health.

And that’s really where transformative weight loss comes into play. You transform not just your body, but also your mind. That includes how you think, feel, and show up in the world.

Alright, so what is transformative weight loss versus just plain old weight loss? Plain old weight loss is kind of more just mathematical. You lose body weight because you’ve decreased your calorie consumption compared to calories being burned.

This is the core of many diets. Often, the weight loss results are fun at first because, well, you see the number on the scale decrease, but then it becomes disappointing.

Because the weight can creep back on, and oftentimes does. So, what’s the reason for this? The reason is that it wasn’t transformative weight loss. Transformative weight loss to me has two meanings.

The first is that you’re transforming yourself in the entire process, which means you are transforming or changing your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions. That, of course, will impact your results, your weight loss results.

And the other meaning is that once you have the results, the impact on your life and how your life then sort of transforms.

 And that’s all because of how you transformed as a person along the way. Again, your thoughts, feelings, and actions or how you show up in the world. The things that you do. Your behaviors.

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Alright, so what are the three keys to transformative weight loss?

These are things that are essentially requirements to have successful transformative weight loss. They’re not the only things that help with transformative weight loss, but they are three essentials.

That’s why I help my clients do all three of these things. Every single client. This is very foundational when I work one-on-one with you.

The first of the 3 keys to transformative weight loss is to craft an identity goal. There are two main types of goals. A result-based goal and an identity-based goal.

For short, we’ll call them a result goal and an identity goal. A result goal, you guessed it, is just having a goal of getting to that end result.

So, for weight loss, that can be a specific number. It can be fitting into a certain size pants. It can just be looking a certain way in the mirror, and not a specific number.

An identity goal is having a goal of thinking, feeling, and doing, along with the result. So, you’ve essentially become the new identity. The new person.

 And I don’t mean that you’re no longer you, but you’ve transformed how you think, feel, and act to align with the result that you had wanted. So that way, you can easily maintain that result.

So, for weight loss, an example of an identity goal might be to become a thinner, healthier, more deliberate, more confident person who no longer emotionally eats. As you can see, this is more comprehensive than just that result-based goal.

So, you can be very creative with this and really craft that identity goal just how you like it. That’s what makes an identity goal really fun.

It’s personalized to you, and when you set that identity goal, you now have an image of that transformation, which will help you to think, feel, and do like that person.

When I work with clients, we do a lot of this work to help get those weight loss results and to keep them.

And it’s not just results as far as the number on the scale; it’s those transformations in thinking and feeling and doing as well. So rewarding.

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Alright, the second of the 3 keys to transformative weight loss is to determine your deepest reasons why you want to lose weight and even why you want that identity goal that you’ve created for yourself.

Taking a little bit of time to determine your deepest reasons why will pay off, especially when you hit those weight loss plateaus or have those challenging days.

Determining your reasons why provides very good motivation. Motivation is fuel that will help you to continue onward.

Also, determining those deepest reasons why means that you are identifying the rewards that you are getting at the end of this transformative weight loss journey.

And rewards are crucial when you’re trying to change behaviors and habits. Rewards help motivate our brain to do new behaviors and to do them often enough to become habits.

When I coach clients, one of the things that I’ve found to be impactful is sometimes just going back to those reasons why and seeing how they’ve already gotten some of those results even just partly into their weight loss journey.

Because that’s fun and exciting, and increasing that awareness helps to keep that excitement and motivation on the higher end.

So often, we can get caught up with how much further we have to go, forgetting about all that we’ve accomplished along the way.

As my clients are achieving the weight loss, it’s really nice for them to see that their deepest reasons why are being met.

For example, one of my client’s deepest reasons was because she wanted to be able to travel better and keep up with her very young grandchildren together.

So, I check in along the way, to see if she’s noticed that those things have been improving. And because they were, that excited her and helped to motivate her even more.

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OK, and the third of the three keys to transformative weight loss is creating identity habits.

So back to your identity goal, which was the first of the three keys to transformative weight loss, I have clients visualize themselves as that person.

Otherwise known as your future self or your future you. What habits does this person have that help to keep the weight off?

Now here’s what sets eating habit and weight loss coaching apart from diets and other weight loss programs is that it’s not just behavior habits but also thought habits.

Meaning, how does your thinking or how does your mindset need to change?

We all have default thoughts or default thinking or a certain mindset. How we think affects how we feel, and how we feel determines our actions or inactions, our behaviors.

Changing how you think is where coaching really helps. And when you change how you think, you change how you feel, and you change your behaviors. This makes it a lot easier to get the results you want and to keep those results.

Because if you’re just trying to change your actions or your behaviors without changing the things behind that, your thoughts and your feelings, it’s going to be very difficult, and that’s when you’re relying on willpower.

And it’s going to be very difficult if not impossible to maintain. Because you haven’t really changed your identity. You haven’t changed how you think and feel.

So for you, think about that identity goal, the future you you’d like to become, and think about the habits that person has that got her there and keeps her there.

And then with coaching, I help you with those habits, of course, but also with changing the way you think, changing those thought habits to create new thought habits. Because then you feel differently. And again, when you feel differently, it is way easier to do those different behaviors.

And this helps with breaking bad eating habits, forming new healthier eating habits. Also forming new habits in other areas that help you lose weight. Such as moving your body a little bit more, making sure you’re hydrated on a daily basis. Managing emotions so that they are not causing you to eat or overeat in response.

So having these three things are really essential requirements for transformative weight loss because they all help you to become the person who loses the weight and keeps it off because of lifestyle changes and because of an actual change in thinking and feeling.

So, you still get to be amazing at you, but a different version. The version of you that you would love to step into. Because we are always changing and evolving as human beings, so why not be intentional about who you become.

And weight loss is not just about that result. There’s so much more that goes along with it, meaning so many different ways that it benefits your life.

And it’s really because of the process that’s leading you to that result. It’s not necessarily just that result of losing weight. It’s who you’re evolving into along the way. That healthier and happier version of you.

Alright, that’s what I have for you on the 3 keys to transformative weight loss. So start thinking about your identity goals, your deepest reasons why, and what habits will help to get you there and keep you there.

Happy holidays to you and your family, take care and I’ll talk with you next week.

Let’s get you feeling healthy, confident and free, by transforming your eating habits, and achieving lasting weight loss.

To start your transformation, book your free consultation below.

Kate Johnston, Certified Habit Coach, Physician Assistant


Eating Habits & Weight Loss Coach, PA-C

Helping career women, including women in healthcare lose weight sustainably, by breaking bad eating habits.

Start your transformation with clarity, insight, and direction by booking a free consultation with me below.