I help career women & women in healthcare break bad eating habits and lose weight sustainably.

Ready to feel more healthy, confident and free?

Imagine yourself in just a few months with all that. Start now with a free consultation.


I help career women & women in healthcare break bad eating habits and lose weight sustainably.

Ready to feel more healthy, confident and free?

Imagine yourself in just a few months with all that. Start now with a free consultation.

Weight loss New Year's Resolution and why you shouldn't wait

Why Waiting Until the New Year to Lose Weight is a Mistake

With the holidays approaching, I’m sharing how starting your journey now can prevent winter weight gain and set you up for success in the new year.

Join me as I explore mindset shifts and practical steps to help you believe in yourself and take charge of your health today.

Plus, I’m sharing a limited-time free gift you’ll receive if you schedule your free 60-min. consultation for October!

P.S. Imagine the freedom and peace you’ll feel after transforming your eating habits and achieving lasting weight loss. Let’s explore how 1:1 coaching can guide you on this journey.

Next step: Book your free consultation to discuss your challenges, goals, the solutions, and how I can support you.

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Ready to feel really proud and in-control of your eating habits?

Plus, confident in your new, healthier body?

I can help you achieve this by transforming your eating habits and losing weight sustainably in my 1:1 coaching program, Eat with Intention, Lose Weight Sustainably.

Imagine yourself being free from bad eating habits, being proud of your new healthy eating habits, and losing weight in a way you feel really great about.

Now, imagine yourself with these results in just a few months. Start now by booking a free consultation with me.

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Why Waiting Until the New Year to Lose Weight Is a Mistake

Hey there, welcome back to the Eating Habits for Life podcast! As always, I’m so glad you’re here. Today, I want to talk to those of you who know you need help with your eating habits and weight loss but might be waiting until the New Year to get started.

Maybe you’re telling yourself, “I’ll just get through the holidays, then I’ll focus on my health.” Sound familiar?

Well, today, I’m going to explain why waiting until January to start your weight loss journey is actually a huge mistake—and why NOW is the perfect time to get started.

I’ll also be sharing some important mindset shifts to help you believe in yourself and feel confident that you can succeed—because you absolutely can.

I’m also sharing a give-away at the end of the episode that’s very time-limited, so stick around to the end.

Mindset shifts are the foundation for lasting success in any journey, especially when it comes to transforming your health and eating habits.

If you don’t believe in yourself, if you’re constantly doubting whether you can follow through or achieve your goals, it becomes all too easy to give up at the first challenge. But when you shift your mindset—when you learn to trust yourself and feel confident in your ability to succeed—you unlock a whole new level of determination.

It’s not just about setting goals anymore; it’s about knowing deep down that you’re capable of achieving them. That confidence keeps you motivated through setbacks and empowers you to make consistent, healthy choices.

Your belief in yourself becomes your greatest asset, helping you stay committed and inspired, no matter what life throws your way. When you trust in your ability to change, you make success inevitable.

The Myth of Waiting for the ‘Right Time’

First, let’s talk about the myth of the ‘perfect time’ to start. How many of you have told yourselves, “I’ll start Monday,” or “I’ll start after this busy week”? Or in this case, “I’ll start after the holidays”?

Here’s the truth: there is no perfect time to start. Life will always get in the way—there will always be holidays, busy seasons, or special occasions. The longer you wait, the harder it feels to start.

And honestly, waiting until the New Year to focus on your health is a bit like waiting until Monday to start a new diet. You’re only delaying progress. The more you put it off, the more you risk feeling stuck, frustrated, and overwhelmed when you do decide to begin.

Mindset Shift #1: You Are Worth Starting Now

One powerful mindset shift to consider is that you are worth starting now. Often, we delay because we don’t feel worthy of making ourselves a priority. We’re too busy taking care of everyone else. But I want you to remind yourself that you are worth the investment of time and effort. Your health, happiness, and well-being matter.

Tell yourself: “I am worth this. My health is worth this.”

Starting now isn’t just about losing weight—it’s about feeling better, having more energy, and showing up for yourself in a way that you deserve.

How Starting Now Prevents Holiday Weight Gain

Now, here’s the other thing to consider: the holiday season is notoriously difficult when it comes to managing eating habits and maintaining weight. Studies show that most people gain a few pounds between November and January—and that weight can be hard to lose once it’s on.

So that likely weight gain is a great reason why waiting until the New Year to lose weight is a mistake.

By starting now, you’re actually giving yourself a huge advantage. You’ll be ahead of the game, learning to manage your eating habits before the holidays hit full force. You’ll have strategies in place for handling holiday parties, meals, and treats, without feeling deprived. Plus, you won’t be starting from a place of frustration in January, trying to work off extra weight from the holidays.

Imagine how good it would feel to go into the holiday season feeling confident and in control, rather than dreading the usual weight gain.

Mindset Shift #2: Small Steps Create Big Results

Another key mindset shift is understanding that you don’t have to overhaul everything overnight. Small, consistent steps add up to big results over time. Starting now doesn’t mean you have to be perfect or make huge changes all at once—it just means you’re taking that first step. And every small step builds momentum.

Tell yourself: “Small changes are enough. I can do this one step at a time.”

It’s not about perfection—it’s about progress. And when you start now, you give yourself a chance to experience that progress before the New Year even begins.

Jumpstart Progress Before New Year’s Resolutions

Let’s talk about another major benefit of starting now: you’ll get a head start before the whole New Year’s resolution rush. While everyone else is scrambling to start fresh on January 1st, you’ll already have momentum.

You’ll be halfway to your goals, feeling good about your progress, and enjoying the benefits of healthier eating habits. By the time New Year’s hits, you’ll be celebrating how far you’ve come rather than just getting started.

Plus, you can then set OTHER New Year’s goals for yourself. How long has it been that you’ve been setting new years goals or resolutions to change your eating habits and that’s been taking precedent over other personal or professional goals?

And here’s another question I want you to think about: why wait until January to feel better? Why not start now and feel amazing going into the New Year?

Mindset Shift #3: You Have the Power to Change

A huge barrier for many people is the belief that they can’t change—that they’ve tried and failed before, so what’s the point of trying again? But here’s the truth: you have the power to change. Your past attempts don’t define your future success.

Every time you take a step toward your health, you’re building a new path. Yes, there will be challenges, but you are resilient. You have the ability to grow, learn, and succeed.

Remind yourself: “I am capable of change. I am stronger than my past actions.”

You are not stuck. You are always capable of choosing a new path, and starting now will give you a fresh start, no matter what has happened in the past.

Taking Action Now vs. Procrastinating

I know taking the first step can be scary. Maybe you’re hesitating to book that consultation because you’re worried it won’t work, or you’re afraid of failing. That fear of failure or procrastination is completely normal, but it’s also holding you back.

Here’s the thing: by taking action now, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to feel empowered. You’re not just sitting there feeling stuck or overwhelmed—you’re actually doing something about it. And that sense of control is powerful.

I want to share a quick story. One of my clients came to me last year around this time, wanting to finally transform her eating habits and lose weight before the New Year. She wanted to be able to go into the holidays knowing what to do to avoid overeating and weight gain. She ended up being the person who could enjoy the foods of the season, without overeating and she lost weight gradually throughout the fall and felt so so good.

Then when the new year came, she could focus on other personal and professional goals instead of worrying about how she was going to lose the weight she gained over the holidays.

The Importance of Feeling Supported

One of the big reasons people wait to take action is that they feel like they have to do it all alone. But you don’t. That’s why I offer free consultations—so that discover the plan that fits your lifestyle.

Starting before the holidays doesn’t mean you have to be perfect; it just means you’re setting yourself up for success by having some tools and strategies in place. And with the right support, you won’t feel like you’re doing this alone. We’ll work together to make sure you have everything you need to navigate this time of year successfully.

Addressing Emotional Eating and Habits Now

Another reason starting now is so important is that the holiday season is full of emotional triggers. Whether it’s stress, joy, or even loneliness, emotions can really drive our eating habits.

For me, I get stressed….it’s almost like just thinking about the holidays sets the stress off, but thankfully, I overcame my habit of stress eating a long time ago. So, I never worry that eating will be an issue when it comes to stress, which is such a relief.

By addressing these patterns now—before the height of holiday stress—you’ll be in a much better place to handle emotional eating when it happens. You’ll have strategies in place to deal with stress or other emotions in a healthier way, so you don’t fall into the trap of stress eating or mindless snacking.

By the way, speaking of stress and stress eating, hang around until the end because I have a limited-time offer for you. It’s actually really more of a gift for you. So stay tuned…we’re just about there.

So, being able to overcome stress eating and emotional eating before the holidays hit, is an excellent reason why waiting until the New Year to lose weight is a mistake. And of course, to change your eating habits.

Mindset Shift #4: You Don’t Have to Be Perfect—You Just Have to Start

This is one of the most important mindset shifts. You don’t have to get it perfect. You just have to start. Often, we delay taking action because we’re waiting to feel 100% ready or we want everything to go perfectly. But perfection is never the goal—progress is.

Tell yourself: “I don’t need to be perfect. I just need to take the first step.”

That first step could be booking a consultation, starting to drink more water, or making one healthier choice today. What matters is that you’re moving forward.

So, I want to leave you with this thought: your health is too important to wait until January. Why delay feeling better, having more energy, or taking control of your eating habits? You can start today. Imagine going into the holidays feeling empowered, in control, and confident—rather than stressed about weight gain.

You deserve to feel your best, and there’s no reason to wait until the New Year to make that happen.

If you’ve been thinking about getting help with your eating habits or weight loss, now is the time to take action. I’d love to help you get started before the holidays and make sure you feel confident going into the New Year.

You can book a free consultation with me—we will talk in-depth about your challenges, plus I’ll share my solutions.

And here’s the gift…because the holiday season is coming up and can bring a lot of stress, if you book a free 60-minute consultation with me by the end of October for sometime in October, I will gift you the Full Freedom from Stress Eating Transformation Kit for free. Just for showing up. The value of this kit is really priceless when you think about achieving freedom from stress eating and managing your stress a whole lot better.

The reason why I’m doing this is because if you know or want help, I don’t want you to delay your dreams of transforming your eating habits and losing weight sustainably. I don’t want you to continue to struggle with this any longer. And now is a perfect time to get started BEFORE the holidays.

And I know the holidays can be stressful, or if the holidays aren’t stressful to you, I’m sure you have other stressors in your life. So the Full Freedom from Stress Eating Transformation Kit includes what you need to end stress eating and achieve short and long-term stress relief. So don’t miss out on this opportunity. I likely won’t offer this again.

Book your free consultation here. Let’s start this journey together.

Thank you so much for listening today, and I can’t wait to talk to you again next week.

Let’s get you feeling healthy, confident and free, by transforming your eating habits, and achieving lasting weight loss.

To start your transformation, book your free consultation below.

Kate Johnston, Certified Habit Coach, Physician Assistant


Eating Habits & Weight Loss Coach, PA-C

Helping career women, including women in healthcare lose weight sustainably, by breaking bad eating habits.

Start your transformation with clarity, insight, and direction by booking a free consultation with me below.