3 Advantages to Setting Really Big Health and Body Goals

3 Advantages to setting really big health and body goals

You may have been told in the past to set a small, “doable” weight loss goal, however that is not the best way to do it for several reasons.

That’s why I’m going to share 3 advantages to setting REALLY BIG health and body goals. (I’ll be short and to the point too, so you can get started on thinking of your really big goals.)

If you’re a career woman, you’ll ESPECIALLY understand why big goals are actually way more beneficial to you than smaller ones, because you’ll be able to relate this to your career.

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#1 Really Big Goals Increase Motivation

When you set a goal that’s on the smaller, more “doable” side, what are the chances that that goal is enough to excite you? Probably not very high.

When you dream big and set a really big goal to reflect that, that’s exciting.

And exciting means you’re going to have a much higher level of motivation to work toward that goal.

When you think about the possibility of what you CAN have, you create more drive to get it.

When you add in belief that you can reach this really big goal, then you’re REALLY increasing the likelihood of creating the results you need to reach that goal.

Then, you’ll be unstoppable. Challenges won’t deter you. Set-backs won’t bother you. And the closer you get to that health or body goal, the more excitement you’ll create, just driving you forward more.

#2 Small Goals Make You Think You’re Incapable

When you set a small “doable” goal, what are you REALLY telling your brain? That you’re only capable of a small goal. That’s at least the underlying message when you limit yourself by only setting a small goal.

When you limit yourself ahead of time by only setting the small goal, you’re limiting your excitement, your motivation, and of course your results.

You’re essentially telling yourself that you’re incapable of ever living your dreams as far as your health or body goes.

When you set a really big goal however, you’re telling your brain the sky is the limit.

You’re also telling yourself that you are setting the bar high because you’re CAPABLE and because you deserve to reach that really big goal health and/or body goal.

And guess what? You ARE capable and you DO deserve to reach your biggest goals. I don’t even know you, but I know for a fact you’re capable and you deserve it.

You’re a human and just being a human means you can, will, and deserve to do it.

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#3 Really Big Goals Can be Broken Into Smaller Goals

Just like a really big project at work that can be broken into smaller, easier tasks, so can a really big health or body goal.

You can break that huge goal into smaller goals.

The advantage of that of course is to make it easier to reach that really big goal, but another advantage is that when you have smaller goals and reach them, that helps keep you excited.

You can celebrate each small goal you reach along the way to your really big goal.

Research shows that when you celebrate, you’re internally rewarding yourself, which is extremely important for boosting motivation to keep taking the actions that will get you the results you want.

Ever behavior or action needs to be followed by some sort of reward, either internal or external.

Internal, meaning a thought in your head like, “hey, great job on your efforts, they really paid off!)

External, meaning maybe you treat yourself to a bouquet of fresh flowers or a guilty-pleasure movie night.

So, if you want to keep doing the actions that will get you closer to your end goal, you’ll need all the rewards you can get and being able to celebrate after each of the small goals are reached, is great for this.

Final Notes

The fun part starts now. Dream BIG. Think of a really big goal health and/or body goal you’d really love to set and reach. I mean, go REALLY big.

You are 100% capable.

You are 100% worthy.

P.S. Want some extra help? GET WEEKLY TIPS HERE: Eating Habit and Weight Loss Tips

Kate Johnston, Certified Habit Coach, Physician Assistant


Eating Habits & Weight Loss Coach, PA-C

Helping career women, including women in healthcare lose weight sustainably, by breaking bad eating habits.

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