35 Fast and Simple Clean Eating Ideas for Breakfast
With your mornings being busy, it’s really easy to just grab a muffin on your way to work, pop a couple of pieces of bread in the toaster oven, or maybe even skip breakfast all-together.
This will become a habit if you repeat it enough times, which unfortunately can have some negative effects on how you feel for the morning.
If you’re feeling like you’re starting your day with low energy, have trouble focusing, or end up hungry only an hour after you ate, it may be time to up-level your breakfast eating habits.
The way to do this my friend, is clean eating and starting with just one meal a day, ideally breakfast.
I’m going to share with you what clean eating is exactly, the difference between unprocessed and processed foods, plus the numerous (and incredible) benefits.
For the best part, I’ll also share 35 clean eating ideas for breakfast that are quick, and require little to no effort, so you can start your day out in the best way possible.
These clean eating ideas for breakfast will be sure to boost your energy AND mood, improve your focus and concentration, and just simply improve your overall health.
You can’t beat that.
What is Clean Eating?
I want to start off by defining clean eating to you based on formal definitions that are currently out there, so you can be really clear.
Unfortunately, most of the larger institutions differ on their definition quite a bit. Luckily, most agree on some core components.
These core components are what I agree with as well, and also what I had understood as “clean eating” during my 15 years in my former career in medicine.
So, how I want to present the definition of clean eating to you is as such:
Clean eating means eating foods that are high in nutrients and are either unprocessed or minimally processed (mechanically or chemically).
This means foods that are close to their natural state (whole foods).

The closest I found to that is a definition of clean eating from this Healthline article:
In it, they define clean eating as “It simply involves choosing minimally processed, real foods that provide maximal nutritional benefits. The idea is to consume foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Selecting ethical and sustainable foods is also a part of clean eating.”
(The last bit about ethical and sustainable foods pertains more to clean eating for the environment, which is of course preferable, but not easy.)
What Are Unprocessed vs. Processed Foods?
Unprocessed foods are foods that are still in their whole food state, or natural state, and have not been broken down mechanically or chemically, in any way, whereas processed foods have been.
This is a very simplified definition compared to this extensive one from a Mayo Clinic article defining processed foods per the USDA.
It says, “According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), processed food is defined as any raw agricultural commodity that has been subject to washing, cleaning, milling, cutting, chopping, heating, pasteurizing, blanching, cooking, canning, freezing, drying, dehydrating, mixing, packaging or other procedures that alter the food from its natural state. This may include the addition of other ingredients to the food, such as preservatives, flavors, nutrients and other food additives or substances approved for use in food products, such as salt, sugars and fats. So, by definition, most times we engage in food preparation and cook, we are in fact processing foods.”
That’s a mouthful of a definition and pretty darn strict. According to the USDA, once you wash a fruit, it’s considered “processed.” Yikes.
So, if you go by the more simplified definition, a whole pear, tomato, whole almonds, rice grains are all examples of unprocessed foods.

Now, some of them may have pesticides on or in them since they’re grown, but they haven’t been broken down by a chemical process.
They are still whole.
On the contrary, examples of processed foods are French fries, cereal, crackers, ice cream, whole wheat bread, and peanut butter.
Now, there are also minimally processed foods, which aren’t considered unhealthy, such as peanut butter or fruit smoothies.
However, just be aware that some peanut butters can have added sugar and oils, making them less healthy.
Smoothies can have additional sugar or syrups added to them, which makes them about as healthy as ice cream. So ask what exactly is in the smoothie before you buy one, or better yet, make it yourself.
What Are Foods That Are High in Nutrients?
Foods that are high in nutrients tend to be whole foods that are unprocessed rather than processed.
Unfortunately, food companies can put deceiving terms on food labels of highly processed foods, making them seem like they are nutritious.
The foods that are highest in nutrients are ones that are closes to their natural state.
This means raw, whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, meats (grass-fed, hormone and antibiotic-free), eggs, and dairy straight from a cow or goat.
It’s not always easy to eat raw, whole foods, and you certainly don’t want to eat raw meat (unsafe), or drink milk straight from a cow’s udders (potentially unsafe), but eating as many of these foods in the safest way, is the best way to go.
A neat trick I like to recommend is to stick to the perimeter of the grocery store when grocery shopping.
In most grocery stores, the perimeter is where you’ll find the more nutritious, whole foods such as produce, meat and dairy.
In fact, I’m not the only one who recommends this. The Mayo Clinic does too in this article about shopping the perimeter of the grocery store.
Of course, you’ll need to go into the aisles to find things like beans, rice, oats, whole grains, etc. However, if you’re able to restrict yourself to just the aisles you know have these items, you’ll be less likely to stop in the potato chip section.

What Are The Benefits of Clean Eating?
What will you get in return for making the effort to eat clean? In other words, why bother with clean eating for breakfast?
I can assure you the benefits are plentiful.
I have even experienced them myself.
My breakfast every morning consisted of either a bagel or two bowls of cereal, and I would always be hungry again within an hour of eating.
I also felt sluggish in the morning, had difficulty concentrating at work, and ended up craving more carbohydrates throughout the day, leading to slow, but steady weight gain.
I started out changing my snacking and dinner habits, transforming them into clean eating habits, but eventually changed my breakfast habits too.
I started eating old-fashioned oats with a dallop of Teddy peanut butter on top (the best natural peanut butter in my opinion).
These are both minimally processed (mechanically) foods and high in nutrients, so are considered a clean eating breakfast.
And I love it.
So much so, that I eat it every day for breakfast.
Since I started doing that, I noticed increased energy and much improved focus. I can get started with my work day right away and don’t even need to snack until almost 3 hours later.
With eating more “clean,” I got back down to the body weight where I feel my best, among many other benefits.
Below are many of the benefits linked to clean eating:
- Less “brain fog” (more focus and better concentration)
- Increased energy
- Decreased inflammation (which can lessen chronic disease and chronic pain too)
- Easier weight management
- Elevated mood
- Less cravings for sugar and other “junk”
- Better sleep
- Stronger immune system
- Healthier skin, hair, and nails
- Better muscle recovery after exercise
- Money savings
- Time savings (doctors’ visits)
- Can be better for the environment, but this is depends on how the produce is grown and the animals are raised
Unfortunately, some people may end up with a rather unhealthy relationship with trying to eat as clean as possible, which sometimes can result in a severe caloric deficit.
This is usually due to sticking with the lower calorie clean eating foods like fruit and vegetables. It is important to understand that your body requires protein and other nutrients not found in fruit and vegetables, plus a certain amount of calories per day.
So having a balance and trying to eat some whole, nutritious foods while also allowing for some room to eat less healthy foods if you so desire, is key.
It’s extremely important to make sure you are meeting your daily caloric and nutritional needs. If you aren’t sure, then speaking with your healthcare provider, nutritionist, dietician, etc. would be best.
35 Clean Eating Ideas for Breakfast (Recipes Included)
The following clean eating ideas for breakfast include minimal ingredients that are readily available, are highly nutritious and are either unprocessed or only minimally processed.
Almost all of them only take a few minutes to make (seriously).
None of them are smoothies, as I tried to include mostly whole foods, rather than pulverized ones. Also, not everyone has a blender and they can be a pain to clean.
It’s important to me to make sure I’m only giving you really fast and simple clean eating ideas for breakfast.
I know you’re busy in the morning before work, just as I am, and making a 20 minute breakfast is NOT appealing, unless it’s the weekend, of course!
All of these clean eating ideas for breakfast are gluten free, and many of them are vegan.
Of note, I’ve categorized the breakfasts by the main ingredient to make it easy.
Clean Eating Ideas for Breakfast: Fruit as Main Ingredient
Banana Boats with Cashew Butter, Sunflower and Chia Seeds
- 1 small ripe banana
- 2 Tbsp. cashew butter
- 1 Tbsp. sunflower seeds
- 1/2 tsp. chia seeds
Cut the banana in half, then slice lengthwise. (You’ll have 4 longish slices of banana.)
Spread the cashew butter on each of the slices.
Then top with the sunflower and chia seeds.

Berry Salad with Coconut, Chia Seeds and Almond Butter Drizzle
- 1 cup berries (any kind)
- 1 Tbsp. unsweetened shredded coconut
- 2 Tbsp. almond butter
- 1/4 tsp. chia seeds
Place berries in a bowl, mix in coconut and chia seeds and drizzle with the almond butter.

Caramelized Pears with Cinnamon and Almonds
- 1 ripe pear
- 1 Tbsp. coconut oil
- 1 tsp. raw or natural honey
- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
- heaping 1/8 cup sliced or slivered almonds
Heat the coconut oil in a skillet over medium-high heat.
Meanwhile, dice up the pear and add to the skillet once hot.
Stir on occasion, and when softened, mix in honey and sprinkle in the cinnamon. Stir to coat completely, let cook for another 30 seconds, and remove from heat.
Top with almonds.

Citrus Avocado Salad
- 1 orange
- 1 small avocado
- 1/8 cup pepita or sunflower seeds
Dice up the avocado.
Peel the orange and separate the wedges. Cut wedges into bite-sized pieces.
Gently combine with the avocado.
Top with the pepita or sunflower seeds.

Apples with Almond Butter, White Chocolate, and Cranberries
- 1 apple of any kind
- 2 Tbsp. almond butter
- 1 Tbsp. dried cranberries
- 1 Tbsp. white chocolate chips (not exactly “clean eating,” but it’s so minimal!)
Cut the apple into 6-8 wedges.
Mix the dried cranberries and white chocolate chips into the almond butter.
Dip the wedges into the almond butter mix.
Weekend Sweet Potato, Apple, Cinnamon and Walnuts with Honey Drizzle (for 2)
- 2 small (or 1 really large) sweet potatoes
- 3 apples of any kind
- 1 Tbsp. olive oil
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/4 cup walnuts
Preheat oven (or toaster oven if you have one) to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Dice the sweet potatoes and apples into 1 centimeter cubes, then place in bowl and coat completely with 1 Tbsp. olive oil.
Place on parchment paper or aluminum foil on a baking sheet and bake in oven for 20-25 minutes depending on how soft you like them.
Once done, sprinkle generously with cinnamon and top with walnuts.
Banana Boats with Peanut Butter, Cacao and Coconut
- 1 small ripe banana
- 2 Tbsp. peanut butter
- 1 Tbsp. cacao nibs
- 1 Tbsp. unsweetened shredded coconut
Cut the banana in half, then slice lengthwise. (You’ll have 4 longish slices of banana.)
Spread peanut butter on each of the slices.
Then top with coconut, then the cacao nibs.
(Cacao nibs are packed full of antioxidants and considered a “superfood.” If you want to read all about them, here’s an article from WebMD.)

Clean Eating Ideas for Breakfast: Oats as Main Ingredient
Oatmeal with Cashew Butter, Chia and Flax
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1-2 Tbsp. cashew butter
- 1/4 tsp. chia seeds
- 1/2 tsp. ground flax
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes, then drizzle or place a dallop or two of cashew butter (1-2 Tbsp.) on top.
Sprinkle the chia and flax seeds on top. (I don’t mix in the nut butter, because you can taste it so much more if you just scoop a bit of oatmeal and some of the nut butter onto your spoon and eat it that way.)

Oatmeal with Mashed Peach and Almonds
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1 ripe peach
- 1/8 cup sliced or slivered almonds
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes.
Meanwhile, cut the peach into a few pieces, remove the pit, and place the peach pieces in a bowl.
Take a masher and mash it up. If you don’t have a masher, you can just use your fist. (If you want, you can stick a sandwich baggie over your fist, so you don’t get peach mush all over your hand.)
Once the oats have soaked up the water, mix in the mashed peach and sprinkle the almonds on top.

Oatmeal with Blackberries, Honey and Almonds
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1/4 cup blueberries
- 1 tsp. raw honey (if can’t get raw, then regular is just fine)
- 1/8 cup sliced or slivered almonds
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes.
Gently mix in the blueberries, drizzle the honey on top, then sprinkle with the almonds.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal
- 1/2 cup oats
- 2 tsp. cocoa powder
- 1-2 Tbsp peanut butter
- 1/8 cup cacao nibs
- 1/4 tsp. ground flax
- 1/8 tsp. chia seeds
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes.
Mix in the cocoa powder once water has soaked into the oats.
Drizzle or dallop the peanut butter on top, then sprinkle on the cacao nibs, ground flax, and chia seeds.
Oatmeal with Banana, Cashews, Chia and Cinnamon
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1/2 ripe banana
- 1/8 cup cashews (whole, halves, or pieces)
- 1/4 tsp. chia seeds
- dash of cinnamon
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes.
Slice up the banana and mix in with the oats, sprinkle on cashews and chia seeds, and finish with a dash (or two) of cinnamon.

Oatmeal with Clementine and Almonds
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1 clementine (or mandarin)
- 1/8 cup sliced or slivered almonds
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes.
Mash up the clementine or mandarin in a small bowl and mix into the oats after they’ve soaked up the water.
Top with the almonds.
Chocolatey Oatmeal with Cashew Butter and Pecans
- 1/2 cup oats
- 2 tsp. cocoa powder
- 1/2 tsp. raw (or regular) honey
- 1-2 Tbsp cashew butter
- 1/8 cup pecan pieces
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes.
Mix in the cocoa powder and the honey.
Then drizzle or dallop the cashew butter on top and sprinkle on the pecan pieces.

Vanilla Oatmeal with Mashed Strawberry and Chia Seeds
- 1/2 cup oats
- 4-6 ripe strawberries
- 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp. chia seeds
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes.
Meanwhile, mash up the strawberries and mix into the oats once they’re ready, along with the 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract.
Sprinkle the chia seeds on top.
Oatmeal with Cinnamon Almond Butter
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1-2 Tbsp. almond butter
- 1/2 tsp. ground flax
- 2 dashes of cinnamon
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a small bowl or cup, mix the cinnamon and almond butter together.
Mix the ground flax into the oats once they’re ready.
Then drizzle or dallop the cinnamon almond butter on top.
Oatmeal with Blueberries, Almonds and Coconut
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1/4 cup blueberries
- 1/8 cup slivered or sliced almonds
- 1/8 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes.
Gently mix in the blueberries, then sprinkle the almonds and coconut on top.

Oatmeal with Strawberry and Cocoa
- 1/2 cup oats
- 2-3 ripe strawberries
- 2 tsp. cocoa powder
- 1/2 tsp raw or regular honey
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes.
Stir in the cocoa powder and honey.
Slice up the strawberries and sprinkle on top.
Almond Joy Oatmeal
- 1/2 cup oats
- 2 tsp. cocoa powder
- 1/2 tsp. raw (or regular) honey
- 1 Tbsp. almond butter
- 1/8 cup sliced or slivered almonds
- 1/8 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
- 1 Tbsp. cacao nibs
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes.
Mix in the cocoa powder and the honey.
Then drizzle or dallop the almond butter on top and sprinkle on the almonds, coconut, and cacao nibs.
Oatmeal with Peanut Butter and Banana
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1-2 Tbsp. peanut butter
- 1/2 ripe banana
- 1/4 tsp. chia seeds
Boil hot water and pour just so it covers the oats.
Let sit for 2 minutes.
Meanwhile, slice up the banana and fold gently into the oatmeal.
Then drizzle or dallop the peanut butter on top and sprinkle on the chia seeds.

Clean Eating Ideas for Breakfast: Eggs as Main Ingredient
Over-easy Eggs with Pesto and Avocado
- 2 large eggs
- 4-6 slices of avocado
- 2 Tbsp. pesto
Heat a skillet over medium heat. Spray with a bit of olive oil spray or drizzle some olive oil and coat skillet by tilting it.
Crack open the two eggs into the skillet once heated.
Let cook over medium heat, untouched, until the whites are almost opaque.
Gently wiggle spatula under each until the spatula is under the yolk, and flip.
(You may need to use the spatula edge to cut and separate the two eggs first if they joined together.)
Cook for another 30 seconds or until the whites are completely opaque.
Use the spatula to help slide the eggs onto a plate, spread some pesto on each, then top with the avocado slices.
Scrambled Eggs with Spicy Black Beans and Avocado
- 2 large eggs
- 4-6 slices of avocado
- 1/4 can black beans
- pinch of red pepper flakes
- dash salt and pepper
Heat a skillet over medium heat. Spray with a bit of olive oil spray or drizzle some olive oil and coat skillet by tilting it.
Scramble up two eggs, stir in a pinch of red pepper flakes, and dash of salt and pepper.
Cook in skillet, stirring on occasion. Stir in 1/4 can black beans about halfway through.
Top with avocado and sprinkle a few more red pepper flakes on top if desired.
Over-easy Eggs with Caramelized Tomatoes and Onion
- 2 large eggs
- 1 plum tomato
- 1/4 cup sliced onion
- Roughly 1 Tbsp. olive oil
- dash of oregano, basil, or tarragon (optional)
Heat a skillet over medium heat.
Cut the plum tomato in half, coat the cut sides in olive oil and place the cut sides down in the skillet.
Let cook for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and let the tomatoes cool for 10 minutes before trying to remove them (they’ll be stuck to the skillet). This will release the juices, allowing the tomatoes to become “unstuck.”
Once you are able to remove the tomatoes, heat the skillet again. Pour a little more olive oil in the pain, and cook the onions, stirring occasionally.
When the onions are mostly cooked, use a spatula to push them to the side to make room for the eggs.
Crack open the two eggs into the skillet and let cook over medium heat, untouched, until the whites are almost opaque.
Gently wiggle spatula under each until the spatula is under the yolk, and flip.
(You may need to use the spatula edge to cut and separate the two eggs first if they joined together.)
Cook for another 30 seconds or until the whites are completely opaque.
Use the spatula to help slide the eggs onto a plate, cover in the caramelized onions and place a caramelized tomato on each.
If desired, sprinkle tops with oregano, basil or tarragon (a French spice that tastes like a hybrid of oregano and basil).

Over-easy Eggs with Zucchini and Parmesan
- 2 large eggs
- 1/2 zucchini
- 1 tsp. grated or shaved parmesan
Heat a skillet over medium heat. Spray with a bit of olive oil spray or drizzle some olive oil and coat skillet by tilting it.
Slice up the zucchini and sauté until somewhat tender, but still have a bit of firmness.
Crack open the two eggs into the skillet once heated.
Let cook over medium heat, untouched, until the whites are almost opaque.
Gently wiggle spatula under each until the spatula is under the yolk, and flip.
(You may need to use the spatula edge to cut and separate the two eggs first if they joined together.)
Cook for another 30 seconds or until the whites are completely opaque.
Top with grated or shaved parmesan. (Salt and pepper if desired.)
Scrambled Eggs with Savory Peppers and Onions
- 2 large eggs
- 1/2 bell pepper
- 1/4 cup chopped onions
- dash of chili powder
- dash salt and pepper
Heat a skillet over medium heat. Spray with a bit of olive oil spray or drizzle some olive oil and coat skillet by tilting it.
Slice up the pepper, chop the onion and sauté until tender.
Scramble up two eggs, stir in a dash or two of chili powder, plus a dash of salt and pepper.
Cook in skillet along with the peppers and onions, stirring on occasion.
Scrambled Eggs with Asparagus and Shallots
- 2 large eggs
- 3 stalks of asparagus (white ends cut off)
- 1 small shallot
Heat a skillet over medium heat. Spray with a bit of olive oil spray or drizzle some olive oil and coat skillet by tilting it.
Cut up the 3 stalks of asparagus into 1 inch pieces, and chop the shallot up into small pieces.
Sauté the asparagus in the pan for 3 minutes, then add in the shallots, stirring fairly frequently so the shallots don’t stick.
Meanwhile, scramble up two eggs, add to the asparagus and shallots in the skillet, and cook, stirring occasionally.
Finish with a dash of salt and pepper (optional).

Over-easy Eggs with Avocado and Sunflower and Chia Seeds
- 2 large eggs
- 4-6 slices of avocado
- 1 Tbsp. sunflower seeds
- 1/2 tsp. chia seeds
Heat a skillet over medium heat. Spray with a bit of olive oil spray or drizzle some olive oil and coat skillet by tilting it.
Crack open the two eggs into the skillet once heated.
Let cook over medium heat, untouched, until the whites are almost opaque.
Gently wiggle spatula under each until the spatula is under the yolk, and flip.
(You may need to use the spatula edge to cut and separate the two eggs first if they joined together.)
Cook for another 30 seconds or until the whites are completely opaque.
Use the spatula to help slide the eggs onto a plate, top with avocado slices, and sprinkle with sunflower and chia seeds.
Weekend Sweet Potato and Black Bean Hash (for 2)
- 3 large eggs
- 1 sweet potato
- 1/2 can black beans
- 1 Tbsp. olive oil
- chili and onion powder
- optional: 1/2 avocado
Preheat oven (or toaster oven if you have one) to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Dice the sweet potatoes into 1 centimeter cubes, then place in bowl and coat with 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil.
Place on parchment paper or aluminum foil on a baking sheet and bake in oven for 20-25 minutes depending on how soft you like them.
Meanwhile, heat a skillet over medium heat. Drizzle the remaining 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil onto the skillet and coat by tilting it.
Scramble up the three eggs, add to the skillet, and cook, stirring occasionally.
When eggs are almost completely done, add in a couple of dashes of chili and onion powder, along with the black beans.
Stir and cook for about 30 more seconds.
Take the sweet potatoes out of the oven and gently mix in with the egg and bean mixture.
Top with avocado slices if desired.
Serves two.
Clean Eating Ideas for Breakfast: Yogurt as Main Ingredient
Tropical Greek Yogurt
- 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
- 1/2 ripe banana
- 1/2 ripe peach
- 1 Tbsp. unsweetened shredded coconut
Mash the banana and peach together in a small bowl.
Mix in the yogurt, then sprinkle the shredded coconut on top.
Greek Yogurt with Mashed Berries and Chia Seeds
- 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
- heaping 1/2 cup berries (any kind)
- 1/2 tsp. chia seeds
Mash the berries in a small bowl.
Mix in the yogurt, then sprinkle the chia seeds on top.
Honey Vanilla Greek Yogurt with Almonds
- 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
- 1 tsp. raw or regular honey
- 1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
- heaping 1/8 cup sliced or slivered almonds
Mix the honey and vanilla with the yogurt, then sprinkle the almonds on top.
Greek Yogurt with Pear, Cinnamon, and Pecans
- 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
- 1/2 ripe pear
- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp. raw or regular honey (optional)
- 1/8 cup pecans
Mash up 1/2 a pear and mix in the cinnamon. (Optional: add in honey)
Mix in the yogurt, then top with pecans.
White Chocolate Macadamia Yogurt
- 1 cup plain yogurt
- 1/8 cup macadamia nuts (halved or whole)
- 1/8 cup white chocolate chips (not exactly a “clean eating” ingredient, but you can cheat a bit!)
- 14 tsp. vanilla extract
Mix all ingredients together. May add more vanilla extract to taste.

Greek Yogurt with Raspberries and Cashews
- 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
- 1/2 cup raspberries
- 1/4 cup cashews
Mash the raspberries in a small bowl or cup, then mix into the yogurt, and top with the cashews.

Greek Yogurt with Peanut Butter and Banana
- 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
- 1/2 ripe banana
- 2 Tbsp. peanut butter
Mash the banana in a small bowl and mix in the yogurt.
Drizzle or dallop the peanut butter on top.
Final Note
Although clean eating is beneficial to your health and certainly a great way to start your day, it’s not necessary to eat clean for every meal and snack.
If you’re getting at least one clean eating meal a day, you’re on the right track and if you make it the same meal, then you’ll likely turn it into a habit.
You can incrementally scale it up if you want, or you can just stick with the new habit of eating one clean eating meal a day.
Allow for some flexibility and you’ll not only feel better, but you’ll still feel like you can enjoy the less healthy foods on occasion too.
It’s a lifestyle change, so sustainability is key, my friend.

Eating Habits & Weight Loss Coach
Helping career women break free from emotional eating, overeating and mindless eating.
Start feeling more healthy, confident and free by booking a free consultation with me for a personalized plan.