Habit Coaching: Create Your Results by Mastering Your Habits
You’ve probably heard of life coaching, health coaching, and maybe even business or weight loss coaching. Well, habit coaching is the up-and-coming coaching niche, and it is amazingly life-changing.
So, what exactly is habit coaching and why is it life-changing?
Habit coaching is a systematic approach to habit change based on behavioral science. It guides you in establishing specific behaviors that with repetition, result in habit formation.
Coaching also helps you to change or eliminate already established habits beginning with deep diving into why a certain behavior occurred in the first place.
Ultimately, these new and improved habits will align with the type of person you wish to be, so that you can in turn, create the results you want.
Yes, you read that correctly.
You can create the results that you want in your life and that they don’t just happen to you.
This is incredible news because that means that you are the author of your life. You can change the direction and outcome of the story whenever you want, no matter which chapter you’re on.
I know this not only from being educated on it, but also personal experience. I have created my results with my thoughts and by intentionally choosing specific actions that supported those results. Now, it’s easy for me to be the person I want to be, and to make changes when I want.
I’ve actually gotten into the habit of developing the habits that create my desired results. So valuable!
This is especially helpful for women who are busy with their careers and/or motherhood, as habits make your days more streamlined. The automaticity that habits provide help to unload your brain, so that it doesn’t have to think about every single action all of the time. So helpful with decluttering your mind and “cleaning up” your day.
The best part is that habits help to create time, energy and space for you to focus more on enjoying your life and relationships.
Since habits collectively form your lifestyle and contribute to who you are as a person, learning and mastering a powerful system for habit change enables you to have more control over your life. This is a must if you want to live in the moment, rather than let the moments pass you by.
So start writing your story and create the life you want.
Your brain will thank you for letting it take a break and enjoy the ride on the new neural pathways you just built by creating new, amazing habits.

Eating Habits & Weight Loss Coach
Helping career women break free from emotional eating, overeating and mindless eating.
Start feeling more healthy, confident and free by booking a free consultation with me for a personalized plan.