I help career women break bad eating habits and lose weight sustainably.

Ready to feel more healthy, confident and free?

Imagine yourself in just a few months with all that. Start now with a free consultation.


I help career women break bad eating habits and lose weight sustainably.

Ready to feel more healthy, confident and free?

Imagine yourself in just a few months with all that. Start now with a free consultation.

fall into new habits, fresh start with eating habits, woman eating an apple

Fall into New Habits: A Fresh Start for the Season

As fall unfolds, it’s the perfect time to embrace a fresh start and set new habits and goals.

In this episode, I explore how the changing season can inspire a renewed sense of motivation and calm. I also share a fun, fall-themed exercise to get clear on goals and boost motivation.

Plus, I unveil my newest offering, Full Freedom from Stress Eating, a Transformation Kit (BEGIN TODAY) to overcome stress eating and manage in-the-moment and long-term stress.

P.S. Imagine the freedom and peace you’ll feel after transforming your eating habits and achieving lasting weight loss.

Let’s get you there together through 1:1 coaching. Next step: Book Your Free Consult

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Ready to feel really proud and in-control of your eating habits?

Plus, confident in your new, healthier body?

I can help you achieve this by transforming your eating habits and losing weight sustainably in my 1:1 coaching program, Eat with Intention, Lose Weight Sustainably.

Imagine yourself being free from bad eating habits, being proud of your new healthy eating habits, and losing weight in a way you feel really great about.

Now, imagine yourself with these results in just a few months. Start now by booking a free consultation with me.

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Read the Transcript:

Fall into New Habits: A Fresh Start for the Season

Hey there, welcome to the Eating Habits for Life podcast. Today, I’m going to dive into a topic that’s perfect for this time of year—the idea of fall as a fresh start.

As the leaves change and the air turns crisp, there’s something about this season that just invites a sense of renewal. It’s a natural time to reset, not with strict food rules and plans, but with a focus on what you really want for yourself and mindset—on bringing calmness and intention into your life.

If you’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed or stressed, this episode is especially for you. I’ll be talking about how to use this season to reconnect with yourself, reduce stress, and reset your eating habits in a way that feels peaceful and empowering.

Plus, I’ve got a fun exercise to help you map out your goals in a way that’s motivating and meaningful, and it’s very fall-themed. I’ll also be sharing a bit about my Full Freedom from Stress Eating Transformation Kit, which is designed to support you every step of the way to overcome stress eating and manage stress much easier.

I’ll unveil more about that a little later in the episode, but you can find the link in the episode description, or if you’re listening from my website, you’ll see the link in the menu.

Embracing Fall as a Fresh Start for Healthy Habits

Fall is a season of transformation. Just as the trees shed their leaves, it’s a perfect time for us to let go of old habits and make space for new ones. But here’s the thing—this transformation doesn’t have to be about hustle and grind. In fact, the best changes often come from a place of calm, clarity, and self-compassion.

As you think about resetting your eating habits this fall, I want you to focus on bringing more calmness into your life. The world can be so chaotic, and stress often leads us to eat in ways that don’t serve us.

But what if this season, instead of trying to force change, you approached it with a sense of ease and flow? What if you allowed yourself to slow down, to tune into your body, and to reset your habits from a place of peace rather than pressure?

I recently decided to reset my habits a bit as well. A couple things I wanted to add in were more reading, weight-lifting, art, and some new easy, nourishing dinner recipes.

I had been reading a lot of books that were educational for my coaching and coaching business, but use to love reading mysteries, so I’ve incorporated that back in. And it’s been sooo lovely. I notice I sleep better too.

I’ve also committed to what I would call mini weightlifting sessions, just to get that consistency back in. It’s been very low-pressure and just feels good.

And then I’ve played around with painting recently and did a few landscape paintings. So relaxing and makes me really look forward to those cozy, winter days where I can put on some music and paint while Paul and my step-son Ryan go skiing in Vermont on the weekends.

The new dinners I’ve been making have been energizing too, just knowing they’re fresh and something I can easily add into the cycle, making my life easier.

The thing we’ve subtracted is watching Netflix. We used to wind down and watch an episode of a show before going to bed, but both Paul and I decided we could wind down just as easily by reading or listening to an audiobook.

So no matter what you decided to add in or take away, this fresh start is about creating a space for yourself where you feel in control, not because you’re following a strict set of rules, but because you’re aligned with what truly matters to you.

It’s about finding that balance where your eating habits support your well-being, and your mindset keeps you grounded and calm.

The Power of Mindset in Your Fresh Start

Mindset is everything when it comes to making lasting changes, especially with your eating habits. The thoughts you think, the way you talk to yourself, and the beliefs you hold about food and your body can either support your goals or sabotage them.

As you embrace this fresh start, I want you to consider what mindset you want to carry with you into this new season. Do you want to approach your eating habits with fear and restriction, or with curiosity and compassion? Do you want to focus on what you can’t have, or on the abundance of healthy, nourishing options available to you?

One powerful mindset shift is moving from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance. Instead of thinking, “I have to cut out all the foods I love,” try thinking, “I’m choosing to nourish my body with foods that make me feel my best.”

This shift not only reduces the stress around eating but also opens up a world of possibilities where you’re not deprived but empowered.

Another mindset shift is focusing on progress, not perfection. Fall is a time of gradual change—the leaves don’t all turn color overnight, and neither do our habits.

Give yourself the grace to make small, consistent changes, and celebrate those wins along the way. Remember, it’s not about being perfect; it’s about being present and intentional with your choices.

Reducing Stress to Reset Your Eating Habits

Stress is one of the biggest triggers for unhealthy eating habits, and I know that stress doesn’t magically disappear just because I want it to. But what if you could approach stress differently this season? Instead of letting it control you, what if you could find ways to manage it that actually help you stay on track with your goals?

One of the key elements of resetting your eating habits this fall is learning to bring more calmness into your life. When you’re calm, you’re more in control of your choices, and you’re less likely to turn to food as a way to cope with stress. This is where mindfulness and stress management techniques come into play.

Simple practices like deep breathing, taking short walks in nature, or even just pausing to check in with yourself throughout the day can make a huge difference. These small moments of calm help reset your nervous system and reduce the urge to eat out of stress.

And if stress eating is something you struggle with, I want to tell you about my Full Freedom from Stress Eating Transformation Kit. It includes the necessary tools and step-by-step plan designed to help you conquer stress eating for good. It’s very to-the-point and will not leave you feeling overwhelmed, but instead, very empowered and confident.

One of the highlights is the Calm and Conquer App, which offers guided audio to help if you’ve just stress eaten and to help with in-the-moment stress, plus overall long-term stress reduction/management. I also teach you exactly how to overcome stress eating and walk you through creating your plan that will enable you to do so.

There’re printable templates to make it super easy, plus over 50 bonus journal prompts inside the Kit to help you discover more about your stress and stress eating, which only helps you overcome it more easily.

This isn’t just about avoiding stress eating—it’s about transforming your relationship with stress altogether.

Achieve full freedom from stress and stress eating – BEGIN TODAY

A Fun Goal-Setting Exercise for Your Fresh Start

Now that I’ve talked about mindset and reducing stress, I want to share a fun exercise to help you set goals for this fresh start. This isn’t about creating a to-do list—it’s about getting excited about the possibilities and connecting with what really matters to you.

Grab a piece of paper and draw a tree with three branches. On each branch, write down a goal you have for your eating habits or overall well-being this season. These should be goals that feel meaningful to you—goals that will make you feel more at peace, more in control, and more aligned with the life you want to live.

Now, underneath each goal, write down how achieving that goal will make you feel. Will it bring you a sense of calm? Will it make you feel more confident in your choices? Will it help you feel more connected to your body and your needs?

By linking your goals with the emotions they’ll bring, you’re creating a powerful motivator that will keep you inspired and on track. But don’t just stop there—take a few moments to visualize yourself achieving these goals.

Imagine how your life will look and feel when you’ve reached them. This visualization isn’t just a feel-good exercise—it’s a way to make your goals feel real and attainable.

Next you’ll want to draw on the leaves. The leaves will be all the benefits you’ll have from achieving those goals, or even the benefits from the process or journey to achieving those goals. Soon, this tree will look abundantly full!

And remember, this tree isn’t set in stone. Just as trees grow and change, your goals can evolve too. Keep this tree somewhere visible and revisit it often. Let it be a reminder of your commitment to yourself and this fresh start.

As I wrap up today’s episode, I want you to take a deep breath and remind yourself that this is your time.

Fall is a season of transformation, and you have the power to reset, renew, and regain control over your eating habits, your health, and your body in a way that feels calm, centered, and aligned with your true self.

If you’re feeling inspired and ready to take the next step, I encourage you to book a free consultation with me. I’ll dive deep into your goals, your challenges, and create a personalized plan to help you get where you want to be.

And don’t forget to check out my Full Freedom from Stress Eating Transformation Kit—it’s packed with resources designed to help you manage stress, stay calm, and conquer those stress-related eating habits once and for all.

Achieve full freedom from stress and stress eating – BEGIN TODAY

Thanks for listening, take care and let’s get excited to embrace this fresh start!

Let’s get you feeling healthy, confident and free, by transforming your eating habits, and achieving lasting weight loss.

To start your transformation, book your free consultation below.

Kate Johnston, Certified Habit Coach, Physician Assistant


Eating Habits & Weight Loss Coach, PA-C

Helping career women, including women in healthcare lose weight sustainably, by breaking bad eating habits.

Start your transformation with clarity, insight, and direction by booking a free consultation with me below.