I help career women break free from emotional eating, overeating and mindless eating.

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I help career women break free from emotional eating, overeating and mindless eating.

Ready to feel more healthy, confident and free?

Start now with a free consult to create a personalized plan to help you move forward.

Healthy Mindset, Healthy Weight Loss

What do your thoughts have to do with your weight loss results? EVERYTHING.

If you feel like you can’t seem to get control of your eating or your weight, it’s likely because of your thoughts, your mindset.

Your thoughts create your emotions and emotions directly affect your eating behaviors, which of course results in weight gain, maintenance, or weight loss.

Also in this episode, I’m giving you 2 things you can do right now to improve your mindset and get the weight loss results you deserve to have.

P.S. Imagine the freedom and peace you’ll feel after transforming your eating habits and achieving lasting weight loss. Let’s explore how 1:1 coaching can guide you on this journey.

Next step: Book your free consultation to discuss your challenges, goals, the solutions, and how I can support you.

woman with healthy mindset, healthy weight loss

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These Will Help Too:

Tired of feeling like your eating habits are sabotaging your health and weight loss goals?

I can teach you the skills to overcome eating habits like emotional eating, overeating and mindless eating. And guide you in the most encouraging and supportive way.

Imagine going through your day feeling healthy, confident and free. Start now with a free consultation and you and I will create a personalized plan to guide you there.

Don’t go another day feeling like you do. You deserve so much better than that. Book your free consult below.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Healthy Mindset, Healthy Weight Loss

Hey there, welcome to the Eating Habits for Life podcast. Let’s talk healthy mindset, healthy weight loss.

So recently, a client of mine mentioned that she had recommended my coaching to several people that she knew. Thank you, very kind of you, you know who you are.

And she had told me that they checked out my website, and said “oh, it looks like she’s about mindset” in what sounded like a confused tone.

 And that got me thinking that many people probably don’t know the link between mindset and weight loss. Or, how crucial of a part mindset does play with healthy weight loss and maintaining that weight loss.

Therefore, that is the reason why I had decided to do this episode today on healthy mindset, healthy weight loss.

I’ll be explaining the link between the two and why you need a healthy mindset to have healthy weight loss. Also, why that healthy mindset will help you to maintain that weight loss for life.

And then I’m going to give you some tips to help you establish a healthy mindset. This of course will help you with healthy weight loss.

First, I want to be clear on what mindset is. It’s just the way that you think about things, yourself, the world, circumstances. Mindset is of course made-up of thoughts.

Some definitions of mindset are that it’s a collection of thoughts. Some definitions of mindset are just a general view of things. Mindset pretty much encompasses all of that.

How mindset is linked to weight loss results is this. Our thoughts create our feelings or our emotions that we feel in our body. So anytime you feel happiness, it’s because of a thought you had.

Oftentimes that thought occurs quickly. So, you’re not necessarily aware of the thought in the moment, you’re just aware of the feeling that the thought created.

Then, once we’re feeling that emotion in our body, the purpose of emotions are actually to get us to either do or not do something. Some sort of a reaction, whether that’s doing something or not doing something.

These are otherwise known as behaviors. And then of course our behaviors will always result in something.

So, weight loss results are from behaviors, which are from emotions, which are from our thoughts.

Generally speaking, if we’re having more positive thoughts, that creates a positive emotion. Positive emotions fuel positive behaviors, which often results in something positive.

And then the reverse is also true, typically. Negative thoughts typically cause negative feelings. Those negative feelings cause negative behaviors. Behaviors that don’t result in something that you really wanted.

So, generally, a positive mindset creates positive feelings. Which typically results in something positive or desirable.

And then generally a negative mindset creates negative feelings, which creates negative behaviors. Which then typically results in something negative or undesirable.

You got me so far? Knowing this is just pure gold. You can apply this to anything in your life. In fact, this is how I got rid of my everyday anxiety.

Once I learned that my thoughts were actually creating my anxiety, I felt so much more in control. This helped to calm my anxiety. And then once I realized that I could be intentional about those thoughts so didn’t create anxiety, I got even more control of my anxiety.

I no longer identify myself as an anxious person. I had always felt anxious, to the point that my skin would crawl like every day. My muscles were tense. Some days I felt like I wanted to just completely jump out of my skin.

It got so horrible, that all I could think about was how uncomfortable I felt, which was distracting me from everything. Every year for my birthday, when I blew out the candles on my birthday cake, I wished for the anxiety to go away.

My point is, that’s how bad this emotion was for me, and I got complete control over it just knowing that my thoughts were creating it. And then changing those thoughts. These were all things that I learned through coaching.

I never would have learned that and how to manage my emotions and my thoughts if it weren’t for coaching. This coaching was specifically for high achieving women, so I learned a lot that I now use to help my clients, because these tools were so life changing for me.

And they have everything to do with eating behaviors, eating habits, and weight loss. Because each of those things fall into the category of behaviors or results. So, anything that helps you manage your thoughts and emotions, will help with those.

So that’s how I help my clients create their eating habit results and weight loss results. I help with their thoughts, their emotions, their behaviors, and of course that all leads to the results.

I even help them with their thoughts about their results, which then in turn helps them create more results.

Because remember as soon as we have a thought, it creates a feeling. The feeling then affects behaviors, which then causes a result.

So, for example, let’s just say that you were expecting to lose 2 lbs this week, and you got on the scale and it showed that you weighed 1/2 a pound more.

You could have a negative thought about that that sends you spiraling into a negative emotion. And then have that “screw it” mentality, which then can lead to completely falling off the wagon. Which then does not help you with the weight loss results you want to have.

Or you could look at the number on the scale in a more neutral way, which then helps you to think about a reasonable explanation for it. Or just think “OK, well I know that overall, I’m losing weight, so I will just continue with my current strategy.”

Also, if we’re talking about eating habits and you feel like you completely overdid it on the pizza and the dessert on Saturday, your thoughts about that will determine how you feel. Which will then determine your next behaviors, and then of course something will result from that.

So this is why it’s so important to manage your mind.

Now let’s dive into some tips to get you started on that healthy mindset for healthy weight loss.

A big part of this is becoming aware of any negative thoughts that you might have kind of in the background. Or they might be front and center.

What I mean by this is that sometimes we’re super aware of our thoughts and sometimes less so. You might know immediately of a more negative thought that you have about yourself, your ability to lose weight, your body, prior weight loss efforts.

Or, you might have one of those subtle little thoughts that sometimes creep in. These ones are the ones that are a little bit tougher for you to become aware of. They’re just not as obvious. But this is where coaching can really help.

As my clients are talking, I’m actually able to pick up on sneaky little thoughts they are having. Ones that could be negatively impacting their feelings, behaviors, and results.

And then another big piece of having a healthy mindset for healthy weight loss, is just increasing your love for yourself. You’re more likely to then take care of your body and your mind, because you realize you’re worthy. You deserve it. You realize that this is your one life, your one body. You want to take care of it like you would take care of a child or a pet that you love.

Coming into weight loss from a place of self love is absolutely key. And a lot of my clients come to me needing to increase this self love, which is something I help them with.

And the lovely thing about this is that when you have good feelings about yourself, you feel so much better, and then your actions are just in alignment with that. Then you create those wonderful results that you want to create.

So, what are a few negative thoughts that you’ve found yourself to have either currently about your body, yourself, your abilities, your weight loss efforts?

How do they make you feel? Do you want to keep those thoughts? If they don’t feel very good, then you might not want to keep them.

What I mean by not wanting to keep them is you might not want to keep thinking those thoughts. So how do you just stop thinking those thoughts?

You poke holes at them. You question those thoughts. Think of an attorney in court with a witness on the stand. Let’s just say that the witness has a testimony that the attorney is trying to pick apart. The attorney will question the witness and poke holes or weaken the testimony.

One of my favorite ways to question those negative thoughts is to ask if it’s possible that it’s not true. So let’s just say you have the thought “I won’t keep the weight off, because I never do.”

Is it possible that you can keep the weight off? And I’ll give you a little hint…

If it’s possible for other people to, it’s also possible for you to keep the weight off. Your brain might just be looking at prior evidence and using that to predict the future.

But maybe you weren’t losing weight in the most effective way. Maybe you were just trying to follow a diet and change what you’re eating and how much. Without working on the thoughts and the emotions. Not working on what causes the eating behaviors.

Maybe the changes were too big. Maybe you were trying to go from eating all the super delicious, not so good for you foods, to super healthy, not quite as tasty foods. Or maybe you were going from significantly overeating, to significantly undereating.

Sometimes, it’s just the wrong strategy. It just doesn’t necessarily mean anything about you or your capability or capacity to lose weight and keep it off.

By the way, I am currently creating a new free class that is directly related to my one-on-one coaching program strategy. I’m making it really simple for you to lose weight, without feeling hungry, without counting calories, without eating specific foods.

It’s actually the way I lost weight and kept it off very easily, while being a busy career woman myself. I did not have time to add anything extra in my day or spend time counting calories. I CERTAINLY didn’t want to feel like she was hungry all day.

And along with the free class, you will get some printable bonuses as surprises via email. These will save you time during your busy work week among other benefits.

The new free class should be available by next week. I will link it in the episode description once it is available. It will also be available on my website https://katemjohnston.com.

I’ll also be doing social media posts for it. If you don’t follow me on LinkedIn, I am on there, so look me up. I post pretty much daily with eating habits, weight loss, and mindset tips.

Plus, I let you know when new podcast episodes and blog posts are available. I’m also on Instagram and Facebook, but more active on LinkedIn.

OK, so now that you have picked out a few negative thoughts and gotten awareness. Then you’ve questioned those thoughts to get some new ones.

You’re going write those new thoughts down and see how they make you feel. Just adding that word possible, changes the emotion, it changes how you feel. Give it a try, see for yourself.

Next, we’re going to boost up that self-love a bit. Because when you feel good about yourself, it’s going to be so much easier to nourish your body.

Also to move your body, hydrate, get better sleep, do all the things that will help you have a healthier body and healthier weight loss.

So, find something nice you can say about yourself and about your body right now. If you don’t love the way your body looks, you can always say something nice about a particular body part, or if you feel that you have pretty eyes, something like that.

When you start thinking more positively about yourself or your body, even if it’s just something small, you start opening up your mindset and shifting it to one that’s more positive. You start feeling a little bit better about yourself. That then leads to better behaviors, which leads to the results you want.

It’s amazing how much of an effect your thoughts have on your life. Which is why it’s such a big part of my coaching. It affects not only your eating habits and your weight loss results, but also affects just how you feel about yourself on a daily basis.

And if you’re feeling differently, imagine how that’s affecting other things that you’re doing. How it’s affecting other interactions.

My relationship with my husband Paul was always wonderful but it has gotten even better since I have been managing my thoughts.

My relationship with myself is so much better. How I approach every day is so much better.

My best friend had commented that she doesn’t understand how I can do all that I do, but I never feel stressed, overwhelmed, or too busy.

That’s because I manage my thoughts and feelings. And it’s not because I had any special characteristic traits. It’s only because of coaching.

Alright, so that is the link between a healthy mindset and healthy weight loss. It’s also the link between a healthy mindset and the life you really want to live.

You might not even know how good it can be. I didn’t, until I learned about the power of my thoughts.

Alright, so be on the lookout for the new free class coming out by next week. In the interim, visit my website, I have plenty of free things on there. It’s https://katemjohnston.com.

Thanks for listening, take care and I’ll talk with you next week.

Let’s get you feeling healthy, confident and free, by transforming your eating habits, and achieving lasting weight loss.

To start your transformation, book your free consultation below.

Kate Johnston, Eating Habits and Weight Loss Coach


Eating Habits & Weight Loss Coach

Helping career women break free from emotional eating, overeating and mindless eating.

Start feeling more healthy, confident and free by booking a free consultation with me for a personalized plan.