3 Weight Loss Tips for Perfectionists

3 weight loss tips for perfectionists

3 Weight Loss Tips for Perfectionists

If you identify as a perfectionist and you are trying to lose weight, I’m going to help you get further ahead.

You might not have realized that perfectionists can have more difficulty with weight loss than non-perfectionists (I’ll explain why in tip #1).

Believe me, I totally get it though. I’m a perfectionist as well.

I’m also an Eating Habit and Weight Loss Coach for career women. So, I understand how perfectionism can get in the way of your goals.

I also know how to navigate those perfectionism tendencies that can sabotage you.

That way, you can get the satisfaction of reaching your goals with less frustration.

Tip #1 – Don’t Start Over on Monday

A common thing that almost always occurs when trying to lose weight, is “falling off the wagon”. What I mean by this is doing well with your eating habits or any other weight loss habits, and then “messing up.”

For example, eating a healthy lunch every day, but then eating 4 slices of pizza due to stress.

What happens with perfectionists, is because they “messed up”, they feel the need to start over from scratch.

This is called all-or-nothing thinking. You either get it all perfect, or you go to the other end.

Going to the other end and starting over, typically means starting over on Monday. That’s because Monday is seen as the start to a new week and a new chance at being perfect.

Because we strive for perfection, our brains get a dopamine hit from being perfect. Which means, it feels terrible if we’re not.

This leads to a desire to just completely ditch the rest of the week and start over on Monday.

Starting over on Monday, allows perfectionists the chance to be “perfect” for the next week.

This ends up sabotaging you because you never get that far ahead.

If you’re always starting over again, your progress is going to be very slow. When it’s slow it can be very frustrating.

Also, when progress is slow, it’s less motivating to want to continue. Thus, you’re more likely to just give up completely.

When you give up completely, this is true failure.

So, repeat after me, “it’s okay to mess up.” It’s better to get right back on track the very next meal.

“Falling off the wagon” one time and then getting right back in again, is much better than “messing up” for the entire rest of the week.

When you decide to “start over on Monday,” it’s going to delay your weight loss results.

Besides, chances are that that one little mess up won’t set you back with your weight loss. Giving up for the rest of the week and then starting over on Monday, WILL set you back with your weight loss.

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Tip #2 – Make Small Changes

Something I see a lot in perfectionists is the desire to “go big or go home”. Meaning trying to do it all at once. Trying to completely change your eating habits in a short period of time.

Trying to go from minimal exercise to going to the gym five days a week, an hour at a time. Trying to gulp down a gallon of water, when you’re used to only having a few sips of water between cups of coffee.

Too big of changes or too many changes sets you up for failure. That’s because it’s too difficult for your brain to stay consistent with big changes.

Our human brains don’t like drastic change.

The more you change, the more it will start to resist the changes. Not immediately, because you’ll be able to use willpower to sort of force yourself. Or even use excitement to help motivate, but those things will deplete.

So, start with one or two small changes that you’re pretty sure will be easy for you to do, consistently. Changes that don’t take too much willpower or brainpower. Small changes that you feel won’t take a large amount of excitement or motivation.

Small, simple and easy is better. Especially when you’re first starting.

Tip #3 – Celebrate Your Wins

The last of the weight loss tips for perfectionists that I want to leave you with is this. Be kind to yourself and celebrate your wins. Even the small ones.

Perfectionists often overlook their successes or wins. They look at want to be so perfect with the end result, that they forget about the small wins that lead to the end result.

This is especially important with weight loss, because your brain needs positive reinforcement. That helps you keep doing the things that you need to do to lose weight. It needs a reward for your efforts.

That reward can be as simple as telling yourself or thinking to yourself that you did a great job. Even if it’s something small, such as turning down the doughnuts that a colleague offered you at work.

To create eating habits that last, you have to have a reward following the behavior you wish to continue.

This can be a tangible reward, such as treating yourself with something like a movie. It can also be an intangible reward like a mental pat on the back, or a little dance when no one’s looking.

Whichever you choose, it’s important that you remind yourself to celebrate each win. Even write yourself a little note if you think you might have to remind yourself.

Final Notes

These three simple weight loss tips for perfectionists will produce big results. Even following one of these tips will help you have mor weight loss success than you currently are.

I work with career women to help them break bad eating habits and lose weight. Not by having them count calories or follow strict diets. But by teaching them skills and helping them with the underlying issues that caused the weight gain in the first place.

Skills that help with emotional eating, overeating, managing cravings, portions, and even mindset.

I have a free class that has helped many women change their eating habits and lose weight. So, I invite you to watch the free class and get the worksheets to help apply what you learned.

Get the free class and worksheets here: FREE CLASS + WORKSHEETS

Kate Johnston, Certified Habit Coach, Physician Assistant


Eating Habits & Weight Loss Coach, PA-C

Helping career women, including women in healthcare lose weight sustainably, by breaking bad eating habits.

Start your transformation with clarity, insight, and direction by booking a free consultation with me below.